Monthly Archive: December 2012

Hospital Education

Educational care of the sick child should be an integral part of the program of medical treatment and constitute a shared work of parents, teachers and health personnel. Hospital education is a task shared by parents, teachers and doctors, and this has to be good communication between the family, the school and the hospital centre. This communication begins at the time of diagnosis and for those children who suffer from cognitive sequelae as consequence of treatments, will be maintained until the end of their schooling. The sooner the sick child is incorporated into the school, before recover its balance and self-esteem lost as a result of the emotional trauma produced by the disease. Close coordination is required between:-the role of the hospital: A comprehensive therapeutic programme includes educational intervention, directed by a professional preparation and experience in the field of education (Professor of the hospital school) that will be integrated into the therapy equipment.

This professional serves as link between the family, the hospital and the educational community, with a deep knowledge of the curriculum, the educational system, and special education programs (developed in the regular classroom or classroom support); It will also work with the master in the development of the curriculum and in the elaboration of the relevant curricular adaptations, and the child in the hospital classroom. The relationship with health personnel will be mainly informative, since it will be through them as we tell new students admitted, as well as of those who have been discharged. Similarly, we will collect through them all the information on the status of the new student, if applicable their assistance to the classroom or whether, on the contrary, it is more convenient that is meets him in his room. Advise on the technical aspects of disease of children and their physical possibilities and health advise school attention and inform about the possibilities of activity and student performance.


Toms life was born in Roccasecce in 1221. Although the hostility of the family, entered twirls in it of the Dominican ones, and of 1248 the 1252 were disciple of Great Alberto. To follow it taught in Paris and later in the main European universities (Colony, Bologna, Rome, Naples), as was custom of the Dominican ones. It died in 1274 in the monastery of Fossanova. 2. Anthropology Since the birth of philosophy one of the subjects more argued between the philosophers is the problem of the man.

Of where it comes? What to be man? Which its characteristics that it defines as a being? They are questions of which the Greeks if had set fire to try to understand this being. With You take by Aquino was not different. It also, after a long study, gave its definition of what he would be the man. For this it was based on the thought of Aristotle, one of the most appraised philosopher of old Greece. According to Aristotle, the man is constituted of substance and form as all the beings that substance has, only that in the case of the man the substance it goes to be the body and to form the soul. With this, the Estarigita surpasses the dualism of Plato.

This is the line that Toms de Aquino followed, clearly that, for it to be Christian, it of the felt new one to this thought. The aspects had been many for which Toms study the man, we go here only deepening in them some in which they deserve particular attention. 2.1 The unit of the human being For Toms, as well as was for Aristotle, the man is constituted of body and soul, changedding itself thus into an only one substantiates that it cannot be separate, where stops it soul is the form of the body in which it constitutes the man, without the interposition of any another form.