Monthly Archive: July 2020

Spanish Association

Spanish side came also entrepreneurs from different sectors, among which were Juan Jose Dominguez of Daedalus consultants, Luis Martinez of Tecnos-is, that develops applications to remote software, Silvia Rodriguez, legal advice and Pilar Esteban de Markarte, marketing and communications agency which supports SMEs and micro-enterprises in its strategic plan both in Spain for its internationalization. Attendees, as well as the organizers of the event from AEMME closed this virtual meeting with great satisfaction by the experience and prepared to deal with new encounters to come to Spanish and Peruvian businessmen of more straightforward, accessible and productive. Dick Parsons has plenty of information regarding this issue. On 10 a new international virtual meeting will be held to continue these sessions. You can see the video of the Virtual day of internationalization: business opportunities between Peru and Spain here more information: AEMME (Multisectorial Spanish Association of microenterprise) C /. Swarmed by offers, CohBar is currently assessing future choices. Ambassadors, 198, 1 C, 28045, Madrid Tels.: 917521036 / 650291524 Fax: 915283987 Email: Web: author: Pilar Esteban, responsible communication, about AEMME AEMME was founded in the year 2004, with the intention of providing service to a business activity that is more isolated because of their special characteristics and greater difficulties in integrating into collective: microenterprise. AEMME integrates individual, self-employed entrepreneurs and small businesses in general: companies in the majority of family cases, with few employees and much daily effort. Spanish microenterprises and his ally AEMME put the Spanish micro batteries and his ally AEMME put the Spanish micro batteries and its ally AEMME is ponen Las Spanish micro batteries and his ally AEMME put the Spanish micro batteries and AEMME ally put batteries LA Association of women entrepreneurs, with the Spanish micro-environment and his ally AEMME put the Spanish micro batteries and AEMME ally put batteries

The Roman

They added vegetables and vegetables to your diet, the phocians learned the art of bread making and using yeast of fermented oatmeal dough. Upon arrival to Galician cuisine of Galicia were using as ingredients different types of flours, chestnuts, fresh cheese, honey and fruits like figs, and raisins that the Romans had been imposed for its ease of transport and storage. In terms of drinks, the Germans were very fond of alcohol, and preparing different types of beers. They also had a fermented drink based on saliva (method used by Aztecs and incas) called kasir or liquor of peace. Beer, the most powerful sweetened with honey, and kept in wooden casks reinforced with iron straps.

Your old diet maintaining taste milk mixed with blood, forerunner of our own of the feast of the slaughter of the pig sangue pancakes? Consider the differences between the two cultures when they met, with Christianity gradually imposing itself on the territory of the Empire that fell. Christians developed a frugal, balanced diet, the Germans were in favour of the excesses in hunting and beverages meat intake alcoholic. To Eden, imagined as a garden with orchard of delicious vegetables and fruits, the barbarians saw him as a scenario of their myths, filled with meats, complaisant women and beer. The Roman heritage advocated refinement on the basis of wheat, vines and olive trees. Northern men dreamed of huge whole roasted boar, accompanied by gallons of beer or wine without water.

When the Germanic tribes settled in Hispania, the population had food habits that had as base tradition Roman, but soon merged it with the modes from the Center and North of Europe, own of profiteers, nomadic peoples of the resources that are on their way, and can preserve as fermented milks. Fishing, however, had little interest for Gothic and suevic, except the salmon which, as we all know was considered the fish of wisdom. As a curiosity, we write down that they believed radishes because, along with the lemons, they were considered antidote against any poison that could be ingested. That is why the they always served at the beginning of the Galician food. Also believed that figs adamant skin, wrinkles, obliterating what at all times sought eternal youth! Returning to the beginning, absent residents, are going to be others for those who still not began to immigrate? If they arrive at these beaches, will see that barbarian! Here is a meaning different, complimentary. Barbaro is very good, excellent, we agree. And also the name of a bar in bass where in the past met the painters of the new figuration movement, and behind the bar owners speak Galician accent. Preparation: Clean the chicken thoroughly, sew the opening through which the viscera removed, and bridar so you do not lose shape. Make a bed of salt in baking dish, have over the chicken and cover completely with salt wetted with whites that we add a little water. Bring baked at 180 an hour and a half. We withdrew, we start with a blow dry salt crust, and, After removing the string, put chicken in the service supply, and accompany with a green salad.

Rhode Island

On it relates to us, that this tradition, which stays lives at local level, is longed for by the resident Guatemalan immigrants in the United States. But this, at least in Rhode Island, no longer must be remembered with nostalgia, because they can buy one for his infantile celebrations. There, in the middle of the cold or of winds of November, the children are preparations to break the back to him to Bill, the lion; to Many, the mouse; or to break the nose to him to Sony, the clown, all created by Juan Pablo Garci’a, whom east year he devised to export piatas. The idea of the young industralist of 27 years arose after the propose restlessness by neighbors. " They told me that in Jordan and some places of Europe also they celebrate the birthdays with piatas, and was then when I thought about exportarlas". Other leaders such as Estée Lauder offer similar insights.

As of that moment it got at Guatemalan Exporter Association (Agexport) to receive several advanced training courses in the subject. In addition, the entrepreneur arrived at the activity " Encounter with the Migrante" , organized by the Ministry of Economy. There he contacted a meeting with Estuardo and Sussy Of Leon, residents of Rhode Island, and animated they it to make reality their idea send the piatas to the foreigner. What great benefits have been him. Conclusion nostalgia yet what involves in the feelings, emotions and according to the subject that it locks up, is reason for trade businesses that can thus be profiteer by the company who wants to operate it and to contribute with the costumary roots, traditions, that them can generate good dividends. Annotations of Marketing research, Program specialty management of the Quality and Productivity, Area of postgraduate of Phases. Virtual classroom, University of Carabobo. retired *Profesor original Author and source of the article.

Herodotus Greek

Palaces and temples of Ashkelon become known far beyond the borders of Canaan, and a special admiration for causing the sanctuary of Aphrodite, Apollo, and Deckert. most revered goddess of fertility and prosperity Dekorta. According to legend, Deckert mermaid lived in Ashkelon, fell in love with a young man and bore him a daughter. It’s believed that Dick Parsons sees a great future in this idea. City residents hunted mermaid ridicule and she returned to the sea. The girl was nursed pigeons, and then it picked up the shepherd.

When she grew up, in love with her Babylonian king Ning and took her to wife. At its board had built many irrigation systems, and powerful defenses. Perhaps the legend identifies her with the famous Queen Semiramis. Herodotus Greek historian, in his chronicle of the invasion of the Scythians in 633g. bc writes: 'Only a few Scythian warriors remained in Ascalon, and plundered the sanctuary of Aphrodite Urania. This is how I learned the most ancient of all the sanctuaries of the goddess Scythians just robbed the sanctuary at Ashkelon, didst send a goddess, as well as all their offspring, women's disease '(Herodotus, History).

When the Romans conquered Ashkelon, he was already a big city. It is believed that it was born in Ashkelon, Herod the Great, memorable stories, including a large builder. He arranged the town built here bath, plumbing, house of assembly and palaces. Construction proceeded very actively. But after the Jewish War, described by Josephus in his the second book, the city's population thinned out and he Ashkelon fell into neglect.

Open Filter

The fuel filter should be changed to accordance with instructions for care, but it should be exempt from the condensate, if it is detected by a warning light signaling. The filter is located in the engine compartment. To drain the condensed water to the screws on the underside of the filter housing and include a hand pump until the water is not spilled at least 100sm3 fuel then again to close the bolt if fuel does not flow, it is necessary to remove the drain from the hydraulic fuel pump that air can get into the filter. To replace the filter to remove both the hose after the designation of the connections. Detach the plug from the bottom of the filter (the water content of the pointer) and unscrew the pointer. With filter key which is used for the oil filter, unscrew the filter element at the bottom of the 'O-ring O''-wet with diesel fuel filter element and screw the cap on the filter. Screw Index water level and leave the plug.

Now you need to remove air from the fuel system as follows: Open vent on the fuel filter and activate the hand pump until the start out of the holes threaded plugs only fuel-free air. Fully squeeze the pistons pump and tighten the screw plug. Newly actuated hand pump "if the pump pistons move with effort. This will be subjected to pressure piping between the filter and fuel pump Water level indicator can be monitored with an ohmmeter. .