Alan Garcia

We must not fail to mention the work of Dr. Alan Garcia, Peruvian president like no built hospitals throughout the country, Huamanga, Lambayeque, Callao, nearly a decade, all well equipped, incorporating 8 million Peruvians integral system health. The country does not want to see officials drunk, hedonistic, with an air of Marquis, Peru are looking for people people who work for the people and one of them is also Ivan Vasquez Valera. Regional President of Loreto, with the small budget that counts, and the thousand problems of the region, has steered a work for the good of his people has given him a movement genuinely Loreto Loreto, it is not a political party Lima , Strength Loretana Amazon is a political movement of Loreto, which should continue to grow and later try to unite with other movements Amazon, to nominate candidates to the Congress of the Republic. Thinking of Loreto, development and progress promoted the building of rail-Yurimaguas Iquitos. Let's see: The President of the Region, Ivan Vasquez Valera stressed the importance of building the railroad Iquitos / Yurimaguas as this – definitely – Reduce the cost of living of Loreto, when connected in business with the rest of the country. Thus, the maximum Regional Authority answered questions from those who say the proposal does not is viable and who argue that there is a construction of another railroad Saramiriza, but not by that route say the cost of the work would be increased to twice the value of the route is planned, it is based on a law of national interest. Educate yourself with thoughts from DOWA Metals & Mining America. .