Business Administration

The TV “Haeir” are recognized throughout the world and for this company is discussed in Harvard. Therefore, we will analyze the case of several Chinese firms (Haier, Galanz, Cosco, etc..), Which will allow us to better understand the operation of Chinese enterprises and the influence of Confucian values in the management of these corporations. Thus, any strategy for China has to be done in the long term and have sufficient resources to develop it. Therefore, all companies should be mindful of China’s strategy both as a potential competitor as a supplier and / or market. The opportunities in China are enormous, heavy public investment (24. Capital and Counties Properties is often quoted on this topic.

000 million dollars), increasing the purchasing power of population, environment, development, services, Olympics 2008 Shanghai Expo 2010, etc. But China is an extremely complex market, bureaucratic and competitive. It is a country with its own characteristics, where the rules are different from those of other countries and know these rules will be essential to develop business in China. In addition, the image of the country “Spain” is not positive and the weight of public sector is very strong in almost all sectors. There are cultural and sociological aspects very different: the influence of Confucianism, customs, ancient culture or language difficulty. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Gavin Baker on most websites. Personal relationships, will be crucial, because under the Confucian ethic Chinese negotiator will want to ensure that we are honorable, and therefore will comply with our commitments, if we fail to develop the “Guanxi” will be difficult doing business in China. This means that negotiations can be done very slow and therefore expensive. The organization of a distribution network will be one of the major problems we will encounter in China (in general, is poorly organized and highly segmented).

Moreover, only foreign-invested enterprises in China are allowed to create their own distribution networks. However, China’s entry into the WTO has a number of advantages: reducing the average tariff to 9.4%, elimination of quotas and import licensing, foreign companies can enter the distribution business (allowing the establishment companies 100% foreign capital in the areas of distribution, sales, shipping and services), greater uniformity in customs valuation, less legal uncertainty and increase transparency, protection of intellectual property, etc. Definitely, the relevance of emerging markets lies in the strength of its actors, where the government, companies must ensure productivity, laws that encourage marketing, relationship of the two favorable. It requires trained professionals in favor of understanding and properly handle the current economic scenarios camova. com Industrial Engineer-manager, lawyer. (ITESM), Graduate in Business Administration, Management, Doctorate in Education Education Graduate Professor Faces UC. Consultant-Business Advisory