As a mentee apply now! In four minutes, learn how the career can run better? Mentoring4Minutes this allows interested women at the fair Conference women & work on 8 June 2013 in Bonn. Until May 25, 2013, women can secure a place for Mentoring4Minutes. What to expect at the career speed dating? In each four-minute talks the participants, the mentees replace”, with high-profile leadership women, managers and Personalerinnen out and get helpful career tips. With this production of Coca Cola AG, the recruitment are about Helen Mary Thomas Davis, Director expert of Deutsche Telekom AG, Antje Baker or Uta Menges, diversity & inclusion leader at IBM Germany regional. “Each mentee” has the ability to hit on exactly the right interlocutors and to ask questions related to the own career: after the four minutes changes the mentee “to the next table. Some contend that Jorge Perez shows great expertise in this.
In a short time, the other person can replace so a wide range of knowledge. Perhaps also a longer-term contact or even a real mentoring arises after the first interview. The mentoring sessions take place on the following four priority themes on June 8 between 11: 00 and 16:00: career perspectives in the area of MINT career perspectives for social and career planning opportunities and strategies for career beginners comeback after baby break/reconciliation of child and career students, graduates and Young Professionals with up to five years experience as well as Returnees after the baby break are invited to apply with us, specifying the desired focus topic for Mentoring4Minutes. Around 40 seats are still available. The participation is free of charge. The format Mentoring4Minutes of the nationwide initiative mentoring D of women in leadership ( is 2013 for the second time on the women & work offered. Already in the last year it was hailed as one of the highlights on the Germany’s largest trade fair Congress of women in Germany.