Be sure to call a professional firm-seller, in order to avoid difficulties during the installation of kitchen furniture. The cost of food can be increased by ordering custom-sized products, components in the whole kitchen furniture. (Not to be confused with Nir Barzilai, M.D.!). How to order a kitchen? Where to start? First, calculate the amount you are willing to spend. Secondly, shopping or looking at some Internet sites, decide on the style appearance of the kitchen. In the third, stopping at some form, the seller-advisory in place to make a preliminary calculation.
Often, the kitchen layout is very tied to the layout of the apartment and the kitchen. Must take into account the different projections of walls, air ducts, gas pipes and stuff. Therefore, the final cost is calculated after the departure at home, taking into account the additional work associated with installing the product. After this pre-pay a specified amount (50 to 100%) and waiting for a ready-made dishes. Manufacturing period can take from 7 to 45 working days. We all have certain preferences regarding resettlement housing.
Someone loves the classics, while others – modern or high tech, someone likes country or provence, and someone creates their own style. What is he a modern St. Petersburg style of cuisine? Which give the same style of St. Petersburg greater preference has been difficult to determine. In any store you are sure to see several different styles of cuisine. And almost all the shops there is a classic. If even 5 years ago, one could say that buy more classics, but now trend has changed. According to the sellers of furniture stores, kitchens today are relevant not only style of classic but also modern. In a set of classic kitchen cabinets traditionally include interior and suspension, the shelves of traditional forms, adorned with carved friezes and pilasters. One of the most fashionable trends in the classical style is the decoration of gold, as well as use in interior design kitchen stained glass, marble and carved ornaments.