Education In The Old Societies: Tribal, Eastern And Greek

The EDUCATION IN the TRIBAL SOCIETIES the calls primitive communities (antecedent to the invention of the writing) used, almost that exclusively, agriculture, the pasturing, the hunting fish and it for its survival. Moreover, divisions of social classrooms do not possuam, then the relation did not exist control-obedience, and the standards of behaviors were developed in the base of the consensus. Ahead of these aspects, the education in these civilizations becomes interesting, still more for the fact not to have the writing. For this reason, the figure of the school did not exist and the educative process aimed at ' ' to prepare the individual for the life and at the same time to prepare it to be able to participate of the life of the group, indispensable reality, under some aspetos, for sobrevivncia' ' (GILES, Thomas Ransom, 1987, History of the Education, P. 4).

Valley to stand out that the myths had fort presence in the culture of these peoples and, therefore, the obedience to the mythical teachings was something of extreme value, has seen the fear of being wronged physics and mentally for the disobedience they totem to it (generally an animal and to the times a vegetable totem, it is the mythical ancestor of a tribe that grants protection to each one of its members). We see then the presence of a based educational system in the imitation, that not form critical, but only repeating of information. In the process of transmission of knowledge, the tribes carried through the calls initiation ceremonies, in which the young was submitted the tests of physical and psychological resistncias. These tests were applied by most experienced of the tribes, mainly for the calls wizards and xams. It is important to point out that these last ones, even so had much respect and admiration inside of the tribes, was not seen as superior heads or beings.