Education Psychology

During the 3 first decades of century XX the psychology applied to the education had enormous development. In U.S.A. it was distinguished necessity of a new professional, capable to act as intermediate between psychology and the education. Three areas had been distinguished: the experimental research of the learning; the study and the measure of the individual differences; psychology of the child. Until the decade of 50, the Psychology of the education appears as ' rainha' of sciences of the education. (Davidoff, 1993).

Educational psychology was a special branch of the Psychology, worried about the nature, the conditions, the results and the evaluation and retention of the pertaining to school learning. It would have to be one disciplines independent, with its proper theory and methodology. During the decade of 50, the dumb panorama. She starts yourself to doubt it educative applicability of the great theories of the learning, elaborated during 1 half of century XX. Premessenger a crisis Others appear discipline educative so important the education how much psychology, and this needs to yield space.

In the decade of 70, it assumes its character to multidiscipline, that it conserves until today. More the Education is not considered as applied psychology. Currently, the Psychology of the Education is considered a branch in such a way of the Psychology as of the Education, and is characterized as an educational area of inquiry of the problems and phenomena, from a psychological agreement. (Mialaret, 1999). It can be said that the Psychology of the Education has for study object all the aspects of the situations of the education, under the psychological optics, as well as the existing relations between the educational situations and the different factors determine that them. Its domain is constituted by the psychological analysis of all facetas of the reality educative and not only the application of psychology to the education. Its objective greater is to evidence or to understand and to explain what it is transferred in the seio of the education situation.