Organization EF language, specialized in foreign language courses, has created the indicator i2n that measures English level of students and the level of internationality of the institutions to find out the degree of awareness of society Spanish around the need to learn English in the world today. English level indicator is a very strong gauge and allowed to pre-select the 15 best private schools of Spain in what keeps reference to the level taught English and their degree of internationality. At the end they have come to know the 10 private with greater i2n (English index and internationality) schools. Noteworthy that 90% of the private schools invited to participate in the project have rejected the invitation. The first of the list however offer a few English levels comparable to the best institutions in Europe. Anyway, the level of English of the evaluated private schools is generally low.
Madrid is the autonomous community with greater representation of colleges International. Within schools that opt resolutely for English improvements that could be made more go via send more assiduously to pupils and teachers to take courses of English abroad and by the begin to bet on one second language even more. 15 Schools with higher levels of English depending on i2n of EF language project are: European Liceo, Madrid College Ntra. Senora de Las Maravillas, Madrid College study, Madrid Colegio Mater Salvatoris, Madrid College Retamar, Madrid College of San Francisco de Paula, Seville Colegio Juan de Lanuza, Zaragoza College willows la Moraleja, Madrid College of building Montealto, Madrid College of building Miravalles-Redin, Navarra Hamelin international Laie, Barcelona Colegio Los willows Vigo, Vigo Colegio Suizo Madrid, Madrid College Orvalle, Colegio Marista La sagrada familia Cartagena MadridCartagena on this same line are data from the Eurobarometer survey around the level of English in Spain. Only 27% of Spaniards said being able to express themselves fluently in English front 89% for example of the Swedes, or 87% of the Dutch. In addition, only 21.5 per cent of young people view capable of being able to speak and write English in a correct way. EF language will repeat another wave of i2n project inviting even more schools. EF language is the educational organization specializing in courses in English and other languages such as German, French, Italian or Chinese leader abroad, with 400 international centers of own languages throughout the world.