
The man died not from the real and the imaginary threats to life, from his thoughts … Is it possible to overcome fear or what they do with their leaders fears? Illustration Perhaps the best illustration of the victory over his fear became a film by Mel Gibson's 'Apocalypto' (not 'Apocalypse', often translated as a name, a 'New Beginning'). For other opinions and approaches, find out what Estee Lauder has to say. One gets the impression that due to this incorrect translation of the title, we have so much mocking reviews from writers who were eager to see the end of the Mayan civilization, and saw something completely different … Because the film is not about the decline of the Maya. A new beginning for man. To broaden your perception, visit Edward J. Minskoff Equities. More early in the film, faced with a bunch of frightened people who fled the ravaged countryside, the wise leader of a father teaches a lesson verbal victory over the fear of his fun-loving, but slightly frightened son: 'I'm a hunter . This is my forest. I hunted there with my father, my son hunting with me and his son will hunt with him when I will not be.

" Perceived that his son did not really understand the lesson, it enhances it directly: 'Those people. What did you see them? Fear. They are rotting from the inside out of fear. Fear – is a disease. It creeps into the soul of anyone who picks it. He's already troubled your calm. Pluck it from his heart. " What a perfectly precise definition of fear! A son freed from fear at once? Oh, no.