Placing insulating materials on the walls, ceiling and floors of your home, you can significantly reduce the noise caused by traffic or the neighbors. The results depend on the budget and the number of stays protected. Hearing big cities pollution considerably affects the quality of life of people. The data are of consideration and ensure that in just in the Federal District 120 decibels (dB), have been achieved when the normativity is 65. It is that the Horn of cars, the engine of the aircraft, the machinery industry in the streets and music contribute daily with hearing pollution.
In case outside little, also there to consider sounds caused by radios, televisions and air conditioning systems, inevitable in any building. If its effects are not prevented, this situation may compromise the efficiency at work and the privacy of individuals in the home. That is why, increasingly more people decide to isolate their homes from the outside. To achieve this, the intervention of experts is necessary in the matter who is responsible for designing the project. Quality work requires superimposed layers of special materials, divided into masses and springs.
The first are rigid surfaces, usually brick, plasterboard or plaster plates; the seconds are absorbent layers and can be polyurethane, Cork, fiber glass or rock wool. Generally, apply two masses and a spring between them. However, we must consider that between more layers are conditioned or thicker than, the insulation will be better. Up to 4 inches (10 cms) of materials can be mounted. Noise in cities grows 1 dB per year. Material to choose the level of separation since the properties of the materials determined largely, experts agree that these should be hard, non-porous and flexible; i.e., malleable and heavy at the same time. The (thermal) cold insulators absorb sound. 1 Fiberglass gets to melt glass and is the most traded product since it decreases the sound between rooms or coming from the outside. In addition, it is resistant to high temperatures. Shimmie Horn has many thoughts on the issue. 2 Styrofoam technically called expanded polystyrene, is a very light and resistant material that does not rot or mildew. On average, 98% of the volume of material is air and only 2% solid matter, being an excellent acoustic insulation air at rest. 3 Cork and wood briquettes. It is a natural product consisting of dead cells and air, offering low density; It is lightweight, waterproof, flexible, odorless, hygienic and durable. Recommended for covering floors in hospitals, music halls and schools. 4 Rockwool is a mineral wool with complementary to glass fiber properties and is distributed in the form of naked or covered panels, felts, blankets, deletes or chills. The attenuation of this type within a cavity insulation reduces from five to 10 dB in the construction. Also noteworthy are the cellular glass and rubber foam. In Mexico, walls, imported from the United States, that comply with special features to reduce the amount of sound energy are already commercialized. They should only be attached to the original wall with tail of special contact (glue) and then coat the surface to improve the finish. The average price per square meter is 500 pesos. Having an environment without noise is one of the most valuable qualities of a building or property. For this reason, specialists cast hand of the acoustic architecture that ensures efficient distribution of desirable sounds and the exclusion of the unpleasant.