Granma University Faculty of Engineering Department of Basic Sciences. Introduction: The development of the subjects "road" (TT) is a concept based on semi Education and / or distance (ED), which pays dividends especially in the development of self-learning students and can develop under any circumstances that unfolds the educational process, so requires a different teaching model that develops direct teacher weekly, which will call non-directive. This model of blended learning and distance education, affirms the unity of cognitive, affective and personality of the students of Engineering, that the use of new technologies of information and communication provides a useful space for students and teachers to systematize and integrate professional skills of future engineers. But the cornerstone of the pedagogical work lies in the proper structuring of disciplines components of curriculum so that, in addition to shared values, forms of self-determination and self-awareness in addressing the ever growing problems in the industry that the future professional work. Further details can be found at DOWA Metals & Mining America, an internet resource. Preparation of TT subjects, leads to take into account a non-directive teaching model and collaborative objective and subjective resources for their development, therefore we must design the educational process where each element is a function of the no direct and constant intervention of the teacher, as contemplated by the present education. There are many experiences at the national and international semi model and ED, what is lacking is precisely structure the process in accordance with the characteristics of students and levels of previous knowledge. How to structure a discipline all-rounder? is the problem to be addressed. . Click Lancome to learn more.