As people around the world get rid of diseases independently, permanently and virtually free on September 15, 2010 a practical guide, which makes it easy for the reader appears in the Hans Nietsch Verlag to change his way of life. With scientifically sound background knowledge and step by step instructions, as well as numerous tips, the book is alive and at the same time incredibly convincing and inspiring written. Markus Rothkranz is the best-known, worldwide the most passionate and inspiration advocate of the raw food diet. With its 47 years, he looks younger today than in his twenties! He has cured his disease itself and so the living proof, how great life can be if you take things into their own hands. Continue to learn more with: Fabrizio Freda. “In heal yourself” Markus Rothkranz gathered all the information on the basis of studies and scientific research, as well as observations, we need radically to change our lives and to be no longer sick. Edward J. Minskoff Equities often says this.
But it’s him not just about nutrition. Markus Rothkranz considers the person from a holistic perspective: involve all aspects of the body, the mind and the soul. It is important from his perspective, that we first clean our body of toxins and give him only the best: raw food diet, sufficient and proper exercise, sleep, sex, energy work… The topics of Umwelschutz”and spirituality” find their place here as well, because we can heal our Earth only if we get even better. Rothkranz shows us how to do it and how nature in us to help. Markus Rothkranz is an inspiring and very active raw food from the film and advertising industry.
Formerly as a Hollywood movie producer active, devoted nowadays various raw food projects such as go raw now the native German”. At the age of 46 he founded the world health project”, which it has set itself the objective, the Earth to heal by we humans heal ourselves. His DVDs and lectures will touch people all over the world. Inspirational video trailer are on the Site to see. “Heal yourself – the Markus Rothkranz method”, 193 pages, flaps, four color, author: Markus Rothkranz Publisher: Hans Nietsch Verlag (ISBN 978-3-939570-88-2), price 18.90 the book is available from September 15, 2010, in the book – and retail market. On behalf of Hans Nietsch Verlag, published by GermanyGoesRaw – Heike Michaelsen