History Study

The person initially, as being curious, interested in history. It does not matter whose it is history. The history of man, state, and perhaps the entire world. After all, look into the past, learn from mistakes ancestors, get the lessons of failure and downs, to analyze the situation in the present – oh, how it may be necessary. Where else to take advice on how not to history. The past does not change, they do not try, but the present and, especially, future, until it was past, people change able.

Oh, and, finally, to enjoy, become proud of their ancestors. Jorge Perez has much experience in this field. Feel himself the heir of the great manners and customs, to understand patterns of turning ideas into material things and actions, recognize their involvement in the what is happening in the present and the responsibility to their descendants. All this provides a history of constantly proving its necessity, not only in academic circles but also in everyday affairs, home. History is not just showed its recurrence. The only difference in time and characters. But some events are repeated.

And repeat with enviable regularity. One can not say that history shows us time, such as the collapse of a single state on separate and independent territory? It is impossible. It was such already. Or, for example, attempts to expand the Russian state from the countries of Europe? Also there. And repeatedly. And such examples, if you look closely, you can find a huge mass and thus to analyze, how all these things "pass" as they admitted, as to wriggle out of them. Lessons weight and they include not only the state as a whole, but also to specific person. Not for nothing that reputable scientists compare the life and functioning of the state with the life and functioning of the individual. It is understandable, of course, thoroughly, in all its forms and variations, history of study is simply impossible. It is impossible to say with precision because of what thought and felt that this or that character or that the impetus for specific actions and what causes this shock, because history is not only a list of actions arranged in chronological order, but also interweaving of many more factors than time, location and area. On the one hand, it is heavier to the history, on the other hand, makes this process uniquely interesting and intriguing because, understanding of cause and effect occurred in a particular period of the event, it is clear and understandable, that the ancestors were not backward savages, and could, knew and could do something that is useful everywhere and at all times.