The body produces several types of defence, the most important protector of the body’s immune system cells, they are white blood cells of type T, which produce antibodies that destroy or neutralize the diseases that the invaders may cause. Knowing this, anyone can help the defense of his own body, stimulating the production of its defense cells. The immune system cells need energy and nutrients to achieve a proper protective function. As we age, changes in the immune system exacerbate susceptibility to infectious diseases. So-called T cells, seem to be the most affected by aging part of the immune system. The nutrients that help the immune system responsible for controlling the aggressions that produce the bacteria, viruses and parasites are vitamins (A, and C), minerals (zinc, copper, iron, magnesium, and selenium), fatty acids (omega 6 and omega 3) and rich protein sources in amino acids. 12 steps that would help you to invigorate your immune system: 1 Add to your diet more fruits, vegetables, vegetable oils, fish and seafood.
Broccoli, cauliflower, turnip, radish and garlic that help the immune system. 2-Whole foods, such as cereals or breads that they provide benefits to the health and the body’s defenses in particular. 3 Incorporate into their feeding yogurts, cheeses or any fermented milk. These products provide probiotics are live microorganisms that have a beneficial effect against diarrhea especially for bacteria and viruses. 4 – Limit the consumption of calories, (saturated fats) as they have related to the decline in the key cells in the immune system. 5 – Make an appropriate daily rest, try sleeping between 8 and 10 hours a day.
This could boost your immune system. 6 – Practice exercises daily. Walk at least 20 to 30 minutes day. 7-Take 1 cup of green tea to the day. It could stimulate the production of immune cells. 8. Recommended daily consumption of one tablespoon of honey bees. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from DOWA Metals & Mining America. 9-Also could help with natural products with high antioxidant such as the Antioxiblend – Pro power since they increase the production of lymphocytes, at the same time that reduce free radicals that damage the tissues. 10 – Smart-releaser-Pro contains amino acids that stimulate the synthesis of lymphocytes. 11. The stress decreases immune response so it is recommended the use of Dr. Relax-pro. In the same way that could help decrease the problems of insomnia. 12. Avoid smoking, excessive alcohol and coffee consumption.