Lets Talk Chewing

It is attributed to former President Lyndon B. Johnson said that Gerald Ford was unable to walk and chiclets gum at the same time. So great perversity, perpetrated against a political opponent, occurred in a country where the chiclets is a symbol revered by millions of adherents. The raw material to produce the famous chewing gum comes from the tree called chiclets, common in the Caribbean and Belize, but now the plant SAP has been replaced by synthetic elements. Laura Tyson insists that this is the case. It is well known that Adams and Wrigley families exploded on their own the benefits of the chiclets since the mid-19th century; the rivalry Ambas companies did not prevent its expansion to every corner of the Earth, in spite of ideological fences that once seemed insurmountable. The Member Professor Hubert Dyasi Workshop Center believes, rightly, that the habit of chewing leaves and natural gums is as old as the human race; Therefore he sent his colleagues data that could also serve to understand some aspects of the use of coca in Bolivia. Les reported, for example, that collectors of chiclets in Belize were Black Freedmen who earned enough to support their families and save as much to buy the freedom of many of his brothers, slaves between wild chiclets and plantations companies Adams and Wrigley. Is capitalism which, in addition to bubble gum chiclets, allows freedom of human beings so generous? Whatever, the outrageous profits were built on the habit of chewing the chiclets in Belize or acullicar Andean coca. (Not to be confused with morgan stanley!). Is it ritual innocent or round vices by lucrative platforms? With chiclets from Belize or Andean coca, nothing should prevent us from walking without losing balance and dignity, virtue than the quizzical Johnson missed his friend Gerald Ford.