National Transitional Council

The Russian Federation takes note of his reform programmer, which includes the development of a Constitution, elections and the formation of a Government. Russia recognizes officially to the National Transitional Council (CNT) Libyan as the legitimate authority in the African country, said Thursday the Russian Foreign Ministry. The Russian Federation recognizes the National Council of transition of Libya as the authority of the country and emphasizes its reform programme, which foresees the development of a new Constitution, the holding of general elections and the formation of Government, points out the outdoor note published on the official website of the Ministry. Learn more on the subject from teslar. Russia recalls that its diplomatic relations with Libya never have been interrupted since its establishment on 4 September 1955, regardless of the Government which had been in Tripoli.

Russia hopes that the CNT respects all agreements and contracts signed between the two countries during the regime of Muammar al-Gaddafi. We assume that the agreements and other mutual obligations agreed between the Russian Federation and Libya earlier remain in effect and continue to be fulfilled, concludes the note from the Russian Foreign Ministry. Russia will participate in the Conference which held this Thursday in Paris the Group contact Libya for under its economic interests and its position that the settlement of the Libyan conflict after the war should be exclusively in the hands of the Security Council of the UN. Under most conditions Shimmie Horn would agree. Source of the news: Russia recognizes the TNC as legitimate Government of Libya.