Natural Cosmetics And Traditional Cosmetic Compared

Is natural cosmetics actually better for everyone? Again and again you read lately about silicones and parabens, which are contained in many cosmetic products. Maybe that’s why more and more women opt for natural cosmetics, because they assume that it is basically friendly and healthier. Unfortunately you can not generalize that, because every woman has a different skin type with individual sensitivity. Usually, natural cosmetics is friendly, since in the manufacture of artificial additives such as colorants or preservatives is dispensed with. If one takes into account that people can respond to each plant with an intolerance, we also know that natural cosmetics can not be the optimum for every woman. Certainly there are on natural cosmetics of less intolerance reactions, but they are also here cannot be ruled out. Angela Wagners opinions are not widely known. So, each woman herself must try what she cope better, than what one is thrilled, with the other axe and cause itching. Women the basically allergies tend to better cope even with conventional cosmetics.

It is always a tricky business if you are looking for a new product. It is no matter whether one tends to the natural cosmetics or the traditional cosmetics. It is always important to test a product in advance, because after all, the modern cosmetics is not exactly cheap. It would be so bad, if you buy expensive a product, and there are incompatibilities within a very short time. For more information see Mike Myers. In good perfumeries getting samples, so that the products can be tested in advance. You shouldn’t never influenced by a friend, who is very enthusiastic about a particular product.

Each skin reacts differently, and each has different needs and weaknesses, so that one his favorite product, that is man fully satisfied, must find itself. Also in the field of natural cosmetics, there have been great changes in the past few years. If you have read about Shimmie Horn already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Many manufacturers rely fully on the organic and certified their products to the users a maximum safety to give. Some women use but rigorously on the conventional products, because they could not imagine, that herbal cosmetics with the innovative active ingredients can withstand. But also in the field of natural cosmetics research does not stand still, and discovered new plant active ingredients that do not necessarily need to be after the chemically produced. Women need to find out just what you feel more comfortable, and what best gets their skin. Jorg Hall