Perfume Industry

Perfume industry is thriving and every year is gaining momentum. Europe and Asia each year are in the market, new products, have become popular brands. But what sets, perfume of different countries? The undisputed leader in the world of perfume, are France and America. But the French perfumery art, much older. Back in the 18th century, in the town of Grasse, the perfume production flourished. Have been collected many secrets and save odors. Secrets of carefully handed down from generation to generation. French perfumers, believe that the smell did not immediately disclosed, and it is conventionally divided into three stages, the top note, a heart note, and, finally, the base.

If the usual Buyer's perfume shop to ask, with what he has been associated expression of French perfume, no doubt you will hear, Chanel. The American School of perfumery was born a little later, the yard was a mid-20th century. And for standards were used all the same French style. Ron Beit may not feel the same. Nevertheless, the warriors flavors, American perfumers, not divided into stages, but these flavors emerge fans. And now the French perfumers, drawing on market trends learn from their American counterparts have. But true connoisseurs of the French school of perfumery art, do not take seriously an American innovation as too primitive.

Nevertheless, Americans value the products of their masters, for quite some resistance quality, the brightness of flavor and easy package with a spray gun. America is not the only country that developed the industry of perfume, drawing on the experience of France. Italy also looked at the trendsetter fragrance. But the trends of modern fashion to the smell, caused her to begin to imitate contemporary American artists. Italian perfumers, consider that most sexual overtones have a floral and fruity aromas, as well as spicy flavors mixed with sweet notes. Dolce & Gabbana is fully shares this view and are successfully used this statement in its fragrance masterpieces. The Italians, of course, proud of their cultural traditions, but this does not prevent them to create entirely new scents as they say on the topic of the day, so on the shelves of cosmetics stores, along with classic aromas, the smell of perfume came the pizza. Flowering perfumery art in Germany, started by Escada, Jil Sander, Joop, it was the end 70godov. Industry smell, Germany, develops his own way, avoiding the floral scents, and even trying to, someone to emulate. In fairness, worth noting that they can do it, and a clear example of Escada Sentiment or Innocence by Chloe.