Origin of the Profession the profession appeared of the development and evolution of the practical ones of health in elapsing of the historical periods. Practical of health the instinctive ones had been the first forms of assistance installment. In a first period of training of the civilization, these actions guaranteed to the man the maintenance of its survival, being in its origin, associates to the feminine work, characterized for the practical one of taking care of in the primitive nomadic groups, having as cloth-of-deep the evolucionistas and theological conceptions, But, as the domain of the ways of cure had started to mean to be able, the man, uniting this knowledge to the misticismo, fortified such power and took possetion if of it. FURUKAWA DUST, (2009). The practical ones of health in the modern world analyze the actions of health and, in special, of Nursing, under the optics of the politician-economic system of the capitalist society. They stand out the sprouting of the Nursing as institutionalized professional activity. This analysis is initiated with the Industrial Revolution in century XVI and culminates with the sprouting of the modern Nursing in England, in century XIX. SOUSA LB, BARROSO MGT (2009).. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Edward J. Minskoff.