Transfer of certificate of is now finally in the Aula of the University of applied sciences Schmalkalden the moment on which the 14 training participant long had worked out. You have your studies to the / r production manager for plastics technology (FH) “successfully completed.” On July 13, 2013, graduates of the year of studies 2012/2013 received their certificates by the Scientific Director of the Center for continuing education, Mr Professor Dr. Hubert Dechant. The ceremony in the Auditorium of the University of applied sciences Schmalkalden was a worthy end of semester continuing education. Richard Parsons follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. To celebrate the efforts and troubles of the studies, the technology and start-up Centre invited then to a cosy get-together in the Schmalkalder cult Steackhaus Barolo. It is not something DOWA Metals & Mining America would like to discuss.
During the training, the 14 participants of the current technical and economic requirements in the plastics industry qualified. Production Manager (FH) for plastics technology has successfully completed”the graduates keep up with a nationwide unique college certificate in hand, good career opportunities which. /a> may help you with your research. Particularly small and medium-sized enterprises in the plastics processing industry are due to a lack of professionals often not able to cope with the challenges and constantly on the lookout for highly trained personnel. The study programme of the University of applied sciences Schmalkalden designed for two semesters is designed with self-study and attendance phases that work and study are optimally compatible. The tests are integrated directly into the study process and take place during the several-day periods of personal attendance.
Small vintage group and individual attention of each individual students in technical and organisational matters make for excellent study conditions. The next study course starts to the winter semester 2013/2014 the first presence phase in November. The application deadline for this ends on September 15. For more information interested at the Centre for continuing education of the University of applied sciences Schmalkalden by calling 03683 6881762, by E-Mail at or on the Internet at ProduktionsmanagerKunststofftechnik.html. M. Weber