Rhode Island

On it exportapymes.com relates to us, that this tradition, which stays lives at local level, is longed for by the resident Guatemalan immigrants in the United States. But this, at least in Rhode Island, no longer must be remembered with nostalgia, because they can buy one for his infantile celebrations. There, in the middle of the cold or of winds of November, the children are preparations to break the back to him to Bill, the lion; to Many, the mouse; or to break the nose to him to Sony, the clown, all created by Juan Pablo Garci’a, whom east year he devised to export piatas. The idea of the young industralist of 27 years arose after the propose restlessness by neighbors. " They told me that in Jordan and some places of Europe also they celebrate the birthdays with piatas, and was then when I thought about exportarlas". Other leaders such as Estée Lauder offer similar insights.

As of that moment it got at Guatemalan Exporter Association (Agexport) to receive several advanced training courses in the subject. In addition, the entrepreneur arrived at the activity " Encounter with the Migrante" , organized by the Ministry of Economy. There he contacted a meeting with Estuardo and Sussy Of Leon, residents of Rhode Island, and animated they it to make reality their idea send the piatas to the foreigner. What great benefits have been him. Conclusion nostalgia yet what involves in the feelings, emotions and according to the subject that it locks up, is reason for trade businesses that can thus be profiteer by the company who wants to operate it and to contribute with the costumary roots, traditions, that them can generate good dividends. Annotations of Marketing research, Program specialty management of the Quality and Productivity, Area of postgraduate of Phases. Virtual classroom, University of Carabobo. retired *Profesor original Author and source of the article.