Constitutive contract must meet the general requirements specified in the Civil Code to contracts and transactions (including the rules on the grounds of recognition of transactions void), and also reflect the peculiarities stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation for this contract as a founding document. Memorandum of Association, which is required for registration of the llc is in writing and must be signed by all founders of the society. In this case, the founders entitled to give it a notarial form. From the legislation does not imply mandatory notarization of the memorandum of association, and its notarization depends solely on the discretion of the founders of the society. Bodies carrying out state registration of the Company shall not be entitled to demand from the founders of notarization of this contract. Charter a limited liability company is a document mandatory for all members of society and society itself as a legal entity. The Charter is mandatory for all members of the society, not just those involved in approving the statute for the establishment of society. Continue to learn more with: Shimmie Horn.
Legislation based on the mandatory statute society also for third parties, for example, those relating to the personnel of society. The charter must contain certain information be included in a statute in connection with the or other legal facts (creation of a branch, a decrease or increase the authorized capital, etc.). In addition, the peremptory norms of the Law on Limited Liability Companies established mandatory guidelines in the statutes of certain information regardless of any conditions.