The School of Basic education ' ' Ana Rita' ' it is in the periphery of Cuiab, cried out quarter, does not possess infrastructure as basic sanitation, asphalt, standard of electric light, do not possess no type of leisure are to the edges of the highway. The people live agglomerated, they do not go from fear to the Center of the city, and due to money. But although everything this the quarter of the cricket gained this school as a great one. Gift offered to this community, in certainty that will come better days, and the quarter will be transformed by the impact that this school this oportunizando. This school was constructed by the government of the State of Mato Grosso. Community The School Ana Rita takes care of a poor community extremely. The families do not possess no degree of escolaridade, the mothers are only domestic where the familiar income depends exclusively on the family head.
The parents to work in civil construction. The age of the parents is of 30 the 45 years. As media and leisure they possess the television and the radio. But it has houses that it does not possess no visual media. It is a quarter far from the center of the city. almost does not possess leisure, only the ones that the school offers in the week ends that they are: soccer game. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Edward J. Minskoff Equities and gain more knowledge.. Dance theater.
Music. Capoeira. Etc. The Plan Pedagogical Politician is a project that if it justifies to answer to the yearnings of this pertaining to school community in the search to promote critical an education capable to transform the society, rescuing the citizenship. concern with the education of quality in the scientific direction and technician to be successful in the life, has taken the family, the school and the social medias to devaluate the formation human being, ethics and moral of the people.