Sigmund Freud

We all know, intuitively, that talk about what happens to us relieves us. How does it work? Why the fact of putting words to our discomfort may have the effect of relieving distress, suffering or even eliminate a physical discomfort? Because language is not only a tool to communicate. In some ways, the language inhabits our body. It is not something Shimmie Horn would like to discuss. Of all the words that we heard as children and the stories they told us or simply listen without being direct recipients, only some take weight and importance in our lives. In the 1880s a renowned French neurologist Jean Martin.Charcot, proved to the scientific community of the time, that the hysterical symptoms had an intimate relationship with the suggestion (although today hysteria there as clinical picture, many others derived from it: panic attacks and depression, as well as various personality disorders).

Through hypnosis, he eliminated and introducing hysterical symptoms such as paralysis. Neurologists of the time realized that these symptoms did not respect the anatomic laws or the structure of the nerve endings. Such was the case, for example, of a hysterical paralysis affecting the legs. Such paralysis is confined to the common use of the word leg; on the contrary, of being produced by an organic lesion, it would involve body parts that the common use of the Word does not include. In this overview of the field of mental health, a neurologist come, and disciple of Charcot, Sigmund Freud, stepped over establishing the relationship of hysterical symptoms with the language. Thus, if Charcot showed, using hypnosis, that these symptoms could be and disappear by order of the hypnotist, Freud established that these symptoms, which in organic laws, most relied on the language laws, were a result of a psychic conflict. Thus the link between the word and the body was established.