Speed of service at the store when purchasing goods for sport and active recreation for them is extremely important. Experts BIT fully meet the expectations of management of Moscow sports store, “City Sports-M” in the field speed and high quality of service by connecting a set of convenient and reliable equipment. Shop ‘Sports City-M “sells a wide range of sporting goods. To store cash unit is installed POS-system ForPOSt Pro allows you to use the full range of possibilities for settlement, registration, sales and reporting on individual cashiers and trading company as a whole. “No” false notes lets say a convenient and economical infrared viewing counterfeit detector DORS 1000, used by the cashier. In order to expedite service to customers, the cashier uses a laser scanner manual odnoploskostnoy SYMBOL LS 2208 ‘Cobra’, proven as reliable equipment. The labels with which information is read by the scanner, printed on thermal transfer printer label ZEBRA TLP 2824 Plus. Manage pricing, as well as control number of products in store, excluding deficit and ensuring timely reorder, allows embedded software “1C: Trade Management 8.” Data into the system provides data collection terminal SYMBOL-MOTOROLA MC1000.
Reliable mobile terminal ensures high accuracy and speed of scanning with the ability to input and edit information, which is much faster reception of goods and inventory. When the inventory Store employees do not have to manually rewrite the data on each of the commodities: it is enough to hold a laser terminal on the label and all product information enters an information system. Thus, employees spend significantly less time on accounting for goods, and the errors are excluded. Other leaders such as Nir Barzilai, M.D. offer similar insights. Protection product in the store offers a popular anti-theft system Lucatron NORMA NRS-300, which, except for false alarms, specifies instances unauthorized removal of the unpaid goods from the shop floor. To ensure that the system flagged a possible theft of goods affixed RFID sensor-shell GOLF. When payment for goods at the checkout sensors removed by means of a removable device to hard probes