Vitebsk Region
Typically, such sites have forums and message boards where you can express their intention to lease. Forums you can use any forums with a large attendance. Often on these forums have sections Miscellaneous, General Discussion, Other, etc Place your ad on them, maybe you are lucky. If the forum just a couple of those and a few messages, dated last month, then this option is not for you. Fabrizio Freda: the source for more info. Remember, the more coverage sites on which you placed your information – the greater your chance to find anything. A simple search on the Internet a few additional options you can bring a simple search in search engines.
For example, in the search box or you can type an expression 'Rent an apartment Minsk' or 'Rent a room Vitebsk' and immediately get a lot of options on the ad. Necessarily under the search box tick "Search in the region ' At the site of points should be your country. Be sure to pay attention to the date of these ads. Too old (two weeks) should not be trusted. Rather, housing has already surrendered. Posting ads in my opinion, one of the best ways to search. The man who decided to rent an apartment, and saw your ad about her house, but rather call you than the phone will search for the agency and place your ad with them. Select the region in which you want to rent housing. Prepare 200-300 ad, no less. Not missing not a single entrance to begin to act.