Everything what I will speak in this text does not pass of an individual interpretation mine for what I believe to be the truth on the origin of the Evil, but, with it said, it is what I believe and not it undisputed Truth, a time that does not have a Biblical verse that it proves what I go to write. However, what I go to write, in way some enters in disharmony with the Biblical writings. Therefore, it does not include this text in the study ' ' The Satan Never He was Lucifer: The Truth On the Origin of the Mal' ' , because it brings one high degree of interpretativo subjetivismo, caused for the Biblical citation absence confirms that it. The evil, as it said, appeared with intention to characterize the good, that is, it is by means of the evil that I know that the good is good. Filed under: Edward Minskoff. It is not possible to characterize something as good without it has something bad it bases that it. It does not have doubts of that God is the creator of the Evil: ' ' Perhaps, it does not proceed in such a way from Highest the evil as the good? ' ' (Lamentations 3:37) ' ' I am you, and he does not have another one. I form the light and create the darknesses; I make the peace and I create the evil; I, Mr., make all these coisas.' ' (Isaiah 45:6 – 7) But, doubts have when the reason of the creation of the evil is questioned. Mainly in relation to the consequences that we suffer because of its existence: pain, the illness, the violence, the death, etc. Why God in gave the life to them to pass for all these ackward things? Why he is of the will of Gods who pass for all these tribulaes? Which the intention of creating the evil if the proper God of it is not pleased? In the previous paragraph the main consequences had been presented that we suffer because of the existence of the evil.