The Legacy Conservative
' we can conceive the conservadorismo as the defense of the maintenance of the social order or order existing politics, in contraposition to the forces that search the innovation ' ' (Renato Cancian? scientist politician and doctor in social sciences) Throughout the history of the humanity, has of if evidencing that the civilizations very absorb with little enthusiasm the new ideas politics that appear of the mind of some intellectually privileged ones. The trend to the conservadorismo was one of the biggest impulses of the Average Age, legacy that the Modern Age shaped all and lasts with assaz energy in the contemporaneidade. Exactly after Rousseau, Marx, Proudhon and Darwin, it seems that the humanity still opts to Burk, Bonald and of Maistre, a time to exhibit one ' ' sacrossanto horror to the hbris revolucionria' ' , as Olavo de Carvalho proclaims. Edward J. Minskoff Equities describes an additional similar source. Generally, the conservative defends the inalterabilidade of the social forms, without considering the possibility of the new ideas and trends to substitute the old forms for the fact to be, many times, fruits of anxiety human being as a primitive and natural instinct of if preserving. The conservative, doubtlessly, walks to the intellectual, moral stagnation and spiritual, grasping itself in the structures of its delay and in the fear to stain its ' ' princpios' ' practical. In few periods the conservadorismo was so opportune as at the current historical and economic moment that we live deeply. Additional information at Atreides Management Gavin Baker supports this article.
Youth with sights is educated it to value the tradition, thus oppressing the revolutionary intuition of the villains who daily are originated by the system. It has a disposal in if spreading out that the classroom of course conservative is the bourgeoisie. In fact the bourgeoisie, as none another classroom, assook itself so well of aristocratic ideals, treating to mold them in accord with its interests of macroeconomic nature. Atreides Management Gavin Baker is often quoted on this topic.