Foundation were test bulletin 05/2010 – teeth better insured in the may issue by financial test on the subject of dental insurance, 110 dental insurance rates were tested and evaluated. 16 rates received the grade”very good. Edward Minskoff has firm opinions on the matter. This is ever increasing for the last test result from the output of the November 2008, as only three dental insurance very well the predicate”could reach. This is mainly because that many insurance companies have brought to the beginning of the year 2010 new tariffs with improved services on the market. The insurance companies respond to a fast-growing market. One reason, certainly, is that tooth replacement is becoming increasingly expensive and assume statutory health insurance companies usually only a small part of the cost of high-quality dentures. Who want to avoid visiting a dentist cost of equity is well advised with a dental insurance. Unfortunately, was also in the current issue of financial test”by Stiftung Warentest focus almost exclusively on the area of the Dental restorations (crowns, bridges, inlays, Implants, prostheses, etc.) set.
Of course, a tooth replacement can quickly cost several thousand euros. A protection through a dental insurance is therefore quite reasonable. But also in the field of dental treatment (periodontal disease – and root treatments, professional dental cleanings, plastic panels, etc.), the statutory health insurance offers long no total cover more. Assumes a root or periodontal disease treatment from the health insurance costs in the amount of 500-1,000 may apply also here quickly. Many dental insurance of new generation take over but also the cost of dental treatment. Below not only for root and periodontal treatments, but also plastic fillings and the professional tooth cleaning costs fall. Who perform professional tooth cleaning E.g.
once or twice a year can keep his teeth healthy and gets reimbursed here costs at some dental insurance for 100% and this several times per year. The monthly contributions a dental insurance which incorporate costs for dental treatment are usually slightly more expensive than the posts of a dental insurance providing only for tooth replacement measures. The slightly higher cost are generally but solely outweighed by reimbursement professional tooth cleaning. Conclusion: The latest edition of Stiftung Warentest (Finanztest magazine 05/2010) provides a quick overview of the offered dental benefits. It must be remembered, however, that the focus in this test was placed on the area of dentistry. Under these conditions following dental insurance recommended turned out to be: Hanse mercury EZ HTS EZP “Very good” touch “1.1” Central prodent “Very good” grade: “1.2” Barmenia ZG plus ‘Very good’ Note “1.3” CSS supplementary dental insurance, “Very good” Note “1.3” Universa Dentprivat “Very good” Note “1.4” Arag Z100 “Good” touch “1.6” Arag Z50/90 “Good” touch “2,2” to deal with with the But intensive test result and questioned the assessment criteria of the test more closely, you will notice that a dental insurance not only of the benefits for tooth replacement measures can be assessed. Services for dental treatment are equally important. Also should latency, performance limitations, as well as the monthly costs of dental insurance with reality in the assessment. And who knows, maybe also Stiftung Warentest will expand the criteria next compared to the topic of dental insurance and with start the services for dental treatment.