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Free International Calls

New database of telespiegel.de offer without registration phone calls abroad must be expensive. Participants can call abroad even for free, telespiegel.de shows how a large German online magazine for telecommunications and the Internet. Since mid November 2010, the experts at telespiegel.de offer a completely revised database, the cheapest and the free phone tariffs abroad are deposited for all with a landline telephone customers. Stefan Ebers, editor of telespiegel.de, explains how: “the user specifies, whether he has a landline flat rate, would like to call a number in the mobile or landline and then simply select the desired country. The database now displays the best phone tariffs for international calls as a result of the country.

Also shows an exact procedure to which the user must adhere, to cheap or free international phone calls. Of course it can all print and later as Use step by step instructions. Free calls abroad can, incidentally, no joining of these providers is necessary.” Many phone customers do not even know that they can call abroad even for free. Only requirement is that they have chosen a landline flat rate with their provider, so the German fixed-line calls in the tariff fees are included. To call abroad for free, these customers must apply the so-called Calltrough method.

Calltrough is an alternative for customers who can have their landline at the Telekom and thus no call by call before selector. These customers can dial in using the unique Calltrhough number for each country in a network of a provider, offering free international calls. From there, you can then selected the actual phone number abroad. Since the statement of the German landline, this no costs. The customers have no flat rate, is still a very favourable Rate, which is usually a few cents per minute. In this way, you can save, because international rates are otherwise often relatively expensive a lot of money. The telespiegel.de database is available at landline/call-by-call-alternative.php. There deposited fares and tips allow many phone customers to call with callthrough cheap or free international. This is, for example, a good opportunity to report to the Christmas season with old acquaintances from abroad. Currently free callthrough users are stored in the database for 16 countries: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, China, Denmark, Estonia, France, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Thailand, Czech Republic, and Hungary. Company description on telespiegel.de: the online magazine telespiegel.de is one of the large Web projects for telecommunications and the Internet. Since 1999, the magazine offers many price comparisons and database queries at reasonable rates for telephone and Internet. There are all Areas of telecommunications extensive advice and regularly interesting news about the topic. Company contact: tele mirror Stefan Ebers Davenstedter Street 115 30453 Hanover Tel: 0511 443322 E-Mail: Web:

Inubit BiPRO-server: Market Access Through The B-tix BiPRO Client

inubit BiPRO-server: market access via the b-tix BiPRO client Dusseldorf, September 7, 2012 – the broker market speaks BiPRO. Now any brokers insurers know that. It is all the more important for insurers to be quickly BiPRO capable. With the inubit BiPRO-server the Bosch Gruppe inubit offers a standard software for this purpose. The solution was awarded the BiPRO award in 2011.

The systems of the insurance company are once BiPRO-capable, puts the connection of distribution and cooperation partners in the foreground. But this effort is often underestimated. To give their customers a faster market access, inubit in co-operation with the b-tix GmbH has implemented a reference implementation for insurers and now tied this to the b-tix client. Buyers of the inubit BiPRO Server future benefit from a simplified market access: the b-tix client realized the BiPRO processes on the broker side and is already used by numerous companies, including well-known pools and Assekuradeuren, as well as manufacturers of Estate agent software. About b-tix GmbH, the b-tix GmbH is a consulting and solution provider with core competence BiPRO. As a network of experts, bundles the company know-how around the standards of BiPRO e. V., provides specialized consulting, service, and support services, and developed with the b-tix client software for the application of the standards.

For more information on the company on the Internet at. About inubit AG Bosch Group, the inubit AG is a leading provider of holistic process management. Educate yourself with thoughts from Michael James Burke, London UK. The inubit suite as a technological basis, via the BPM methodology to the extensive service offer: Inubit accompanied companies at all stages of the business process management. To achieve sustainable results, inubit brings together the requirements made of IT and the technical areas and converts them into universally usable products and solutions with an attractive price/performance ratio. inubit is represented by subsidiaries and local partnerships in over ten countries and serves more than 450 customers worldwide. In October 2011, the inubit AG is a company of the Bosch Group.

Krzysztof Franek

Open-E takes Boston server & storage solutions in the new year as a new distributor in Germany. To broaden your perception, visit brightwood. Munich, January 18, 2011: Open-E, one of the leading developers of innovative storage management software, extended his distributors circle in 2011 to the Boston server & storage solutions GmbH, which was newly founded by managing director Wolfgang Walter in April 2010. The reliable and easy-to-use storage solutions open-e now also through the new Distributor are in early 2011. The Boston server & storage solutions GmbH has established itself as a fixture in the German distribution market in a very short time. The team has extensive expertise, experience and an excellent networking in the distribution and Channelbereich. Therefore, Boston server & storage solutions for open-E is an important extension of the previous distributor circle.

We are looking forward to a good cooperation with Boston server & storage solutions. The combination of our innovative storage software open-E DSS V6 paired with the extensive know-how of Boston Germany promises a successful cooperation”, said Krzysztof Franek, President and CEO of open-E. Open-E is an important element of our value add strategy”, so Boston managing director Wolfgang Walter. Thus we can offer attractive storage solutions in the price-sensitive segment.” About open-E Open-E, Inc. is a pioneer and leading developer of IP-based storage management software with headquarters in the United States and Europe.

Open-E products offer high scalability for businesses in the SME market and enjoy a multi-national reputation in the areas of best-in-class performance, flexibility, reliability, scalability and return-on-investment. Open-E with the new product line of open-E DSS V6 provides a storage OS, can be installed on any boat-capable media, for all companies. Swarmed by offers, Shimmie Horn is currently assessing future choices. Open-E delivers its software through a worldwide network of experienced system integrators and reseller partners. With a comprehensive network of more than 600 registered OEMs, distributors and reseller partners, including more than 200 Open-E certified partners, have companies that flexibility in the choice of hardware vendors and open-E can focus on their core competencies, the development of storage software. Many Fortune 500 customers worldwide include the Open-E data storage more than 15,000 installations in over 100 countries. Information about open-E, the Open-E products or an open-E partner, see. About Boston server & storage solutions the Boston server & storage solutions GmbH (Boston Germany) is working since April 2010 on the German market as a specialist for individual business solutions in the field of server and storage. Through rigorous specialization, Boston has become the most important European distributor of the leading OEM manufacturer of Supermicro. The product range focuses on server, storage, graphics processing units (GPU), high-performance computing (HPC), backup and connectivity. Boston offers its partners individual solutions for data centers, authorities, universities, industrial customers and OEMs. Supplies are only resellers such as dealers, systems integrators, and system integrators. In addition, Boston offers its partners services such as installation and on-site service, training, support, individual counseling, certifications, project partnerships, marketing and PR support and financial services. More information under:. Contacts: Open-E Vera Neumeyer PR & Marketing Assistant Open-E GmbH T: + 49 (89) 800777-0 e.mail + 49 (89) 800777-18 (direct) F:: Boston server & storage solutions X. 11 media Wilfried flat breasted trail 8 D-81827 Munich phone: + 49-178-3753795 E-Mail:

BackupAssist On German Available

Equipped with advanced features, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) get a complete backup solution. The special feature of BackupAssist version 5.3 is the German language guide. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from angelo zino. New is also a ZIP-to-data \”-engine for flexible real time compression and decoding in ZIP files for the version of Windows Vista, 2008, and Small Business Server (SBS) 2008 BackupAssist also allows a maximum speed at minimum backup size of the file being compressed.\” Add direct mailbox backups, the backup of Exchange 2007 as well as a new backup console come to the simple recovery of files and folders. The new version of BackupAssist is rounded off by a 265-bit AES encryption technology. Official site: Gavin Baker Atreides Management.

Customers will receive with BackupAssist 5.3 a current version in the German language, the first of all the Reseller market in roof inspired’, so Andreas Schroder, product manager at EBERTLANG. \”And he adds: the new features, such as the BackupAssist ZIP engine, using their data directly into ZIP files can be secure are important in this context.\” The highlight: The engine can each location under Windows Vista and 2008 as well as SBS 2008 including the backup via FTP, DVD and REV drives. An additional storage on tape is the also newly available ZIP-to-tape \”-addon ahead.\” Other functions, such as backing up Exchange 2007 or the new BackupAssist console for easy restore of files and folders, complete the solution portfolio. The solution of BackupAssist is aligned with the advanced functions on lean and flexible processes to meet the demand, especially for backup requirements in the SME environment. The solution is fully operational in just a few minutes thanks to the Configuration Wizard. Within the clearly arranged user interface, users can files and whole Select the directories comfortably to secure and automatically perform.

Germanwind Medical Valley

Nuremberg businesses allows you to test for telemedicine applications Nuremberg/Berlin, February 2010 the surcharge for the initiative Medical Valley EMN (European metropolitan region Nuremberg) by the Federal Ministry of education and research (BMBF) within the framework of the makes is secured. The medical Valley as one of five winners was awarded with the request, Centre of excellence for medical technology\”. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out angelo electronics. Companies, academic institutions and related institutions regionally across a value chain collaborate in the clusters. \”For the work of the projects, which already belong to the second generation of the top cluster competition, is a support of up to EUR 200 million over a period of five years provided for\”, so Federal Research Minister Annette Schavan. Gavin Baker Atreides Management is often quoted on this topic. In Nuremberg, the Nash technologies GmbH belongs to the cluster partners.

2008 emerged as a spin-off from the research and development operation from Alcatel-Lucent, designs, tests and supports enterprise software solutions in the fast-growing global mobile sector. Of course we bring our expertise, to develop the medicine technology site here. The excellence cluster promotion is a great opportunity for the region\”, says Karl-Heinz Gabler, Manager responsible for the project at Nash Technologies. The company has products from the second (2 G) a 25 square kilometer large test network, in which up to the last generation of mobile HSPA + (3 G) in the practice test check. \”And benefit from the partners from the field of medical technology: Nash Technologies can effectively support the communication and locating part of the project due to his experience of mobile radio and the integration of system components in its test labs\”, as Gabler. Also introducing our 25 square kilometres large UMTS live network, a unique in Germany test network for extensive testing of telemedicine applications under realistic conditions available.\” Finally, sensitive should Smoothly solutions especially in the area of telemedicine.

Competition In The Search Engines – Hulbee Has Passed

Currently about Spiegel Online reported potential Google killer\”, which are actually none at all.1 the world is skeptical about new search engines, Microsoft’s bing as capable of not quite convince. Because like with Microsoft Live search are, at least in German-speaking countries, also in Bing search results often unsatisfactory. However, the new Internet search Hulbee provides, the mid-may successfully went to the start, really relevant results. It also has a technology that will help any user: semantic search using a cloud of words leads more quickly to your destination. This reported the PR agency Xpand21 on behalf of the current newsletter of Grossbay AG.

Kreuzlingen/Switzerland. For more information see this site: DOWA Metals & Mining America. 15 June 2009 Internet users are when searching for information and offers not in perpetuity with browse results pages of Google and co. settle. There’s long been alternatives: so gone in the last few weeks several new search engines with more or less everyday approaches at the start. Wolfram alpha about gathered on a query and no links, but information of various kinds, about numbers and charts. The portal is therefore more aimed at specific target groups, such as for example, scholar. A search for Barack Obama ‘ for example only the professional position, birthday and place of birth does not appear more.

The launch of the new search engine Bing, which Microsoft also wants to compete with Google attracted more attention. Bing presents itself on the German home color jazzed up, with large, appealing images. But when it enters a search term, it’s already over with the glory. Who there after Barack Obama ‘ looking, get on the first page of results including an outdated mirror article from February 2008, as well as a private blog, which was updated in January last. The Wikipedia entry on Obama follows only on result page two. The official website of Barack Obama emerges, not on at all at least on the first ten pages.

Three New Customers For IntelliAd

Immonet, plan.net and pilot “offer” individual features designed with the software / for agencies Munich, October 11, 2011 – intelliAd continues on growth course and WINS new high-profile Agency and corporate customers. Jorge Perez often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Currently the real estate portal won immonet.de of Axel Springer, the digital agency of the service plan group plan.net,, as well as the Agency pilot 1/0 GmbH & co. KG. The independent technology provider intelliAd offers advertisers and agencies a bid management and multichannel-tracking (www.intelliad.de), which can significantly improve the performance of all online marketing activities. At the plan.net, GmbH & co. Without hesitation Shimmie Horn explained all about the problem.

KG come bid-management as well as the intelliAd tracking and the special reports used. In the future the new product list tool and the multi-channel tracking (www.intelliad.de/ products/multichannel-tracking.html) to be used for customers by plan.net. Thomas Gassler, head of unit SEM the plan.net media, about the benefits of intelliAd solution: “as We get from our customers digital agency tasked with distributing their budget as efficiently as possible. Mike Myers has much experience in this field. With intelliAd software we can determine exactly which campaigns and channels best serve the objectives of the campaign.” Also the pilot 1/0 GmbH & co. KG is convinced of the intelliAd software and deploys it to the analysis and optimisation of performance marketing campaigns. Several features were developed specifically for the Hamburg-based agency: “With intelliAd, we have all performance data at a glance and must no longer switch between different systems,” explains Thomas Koch, Member of the Executive Board of the pilot 1/0 GmbH & co. KG. The Immonet GmbH operates one of the leading real estate portal of in Germany each month 2.6 million visitors.

The responsible to manage and optimize the AdWords campaigns rely on the flexible bid management (www.intelliad.de/ products/bid-management-tool.html) by intelliAd. Immonet is able to track more than 20 predefined conversion types and receives a special report with your own, Data warehouse is compatible. Another advantage: intelliAd functions in a single system such as the cross-channel tracking or the cookie soft offers. Wolfhart Frohlich “We score for our customers, because we can expand our tool exactly to the features that the customer needs”, explains CEO of intelliAd media GmbH. “in addition we now have interfaces with numerous technology partners, so that we can provide almost all relevant functions and data in online marketing through an interface. That’s a gain in efficiency and better results for our customers.” Company Description intelliAd is an independent technology company headquartered in Munich. intelliAd, a software that lets you significantly improve the performance of all online marketing activities offers advertisers and agencies. The core of the platform is the bid management tool, with the SEA campaigns can be time-saving managed and optimized. Through an integrated multichannel tracking can the synergy effects between the offline and Online channels, telephone, SEA, social media, direct traffic, price search, display, newsletter and affiliate marketing are analyzed. The findings from this be taken into account in the bid management. This 360-degree view of all online marketing measures allows the best possible use of the total advertising budget.

Gottlieb Companies

Creative response to shortage – IHK Darmstadt, young targets and 10 IT companies launch new recruitment action a fixed job, a student job or internship: offers the participants of the job tour, which debuts on November 30 in Darmstadt. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Shimmie Horn. The target group are students or graduates in the fields of computer science, Business Informatics, engineering and related courses. At three locations ten IT companies from the region the kids imagine, including software developers, IT security professionals, but also systems integrators such as the Concat AG. They have to offer more than 300 vacancies in the IT sector. “Many students believe only in a large company to find, a varied work tasks in a smaller company are versatile,” explains Dirsch Weigand of the IHK Darmstadt Dr.

Andrea. The corporate network “IT FOR WORK” of IHK Darmstadt has launched jointly with the Agency YOUNG the job tour in life TARGETS and ten IT companies. A shuttle bus students and graduates go to the Companies and may there find out about career opportunities – or just entering the profession. Darmstadt Lord Mayor Jochen are available on the common evening Partsch and Division Head of the Chamber of Commerce innovation Dr. Learn more about this with Shimmie Horn. Roland Lentz for questions. The Rhine-Main-Neckar region is the birthplace of enterprise software, the software for business processes within and between companies. The regional pooling of competences in this area is unique in the world. Around 7,000 software companies employ 60,000 people.

To be prepared for the future, the professionals must be made today by morning. The event is designed for approximately 80 to 100 students and graduates. To be at the job touring with, interested only with a hard skill profile on the site must register. They get an “application folder” of companies, which is filled with their “Resumes”, as well as blank business cards at the start of the tour. Successful negotiations with a Can these be filled with individual contact information and deposited. “Around to be able to give you an insight into our company and get to know 100 students a day is a great opportunity,” so Dexter McGinnis, CEO of Concat AG in Bensheim. “We have constantly vacancies and would be delighted to find a student or new employee about the job tour.” The job of tour participants: AGT Group GmbH, Accso GmbH, ameria GmbH, applied security GmbH, Bechtle GmbH & co. KG, Concat AG, Devoteam Danet GmbH, European Space Agency, software AG, TopLink GmbH. More information: registration: booking company description the Concat AG (www.concat.de) has been active since 1990 as innovative system integrator in the German-speaking market and joined 2006 to the prestigious Meridian Group International, Inc., United States (www.onlinemeridian.com). The comprehensive portfolio of the company includes the conception and realisation of complex IT infrastructure solutions for medium and large companies. The focus is in the areas of storage, backup, and archiving for highly available, heterogeneous data landscape. The company headquarters are located in Bensheim. Eleven branch offices and sales offices provide a nationwide customer on-site.

ASP.NET And Dealing With Spammers

Keeping spammers at Bay with the hep of ASP spamming has become a major problem with website owners as they receive hundreds of comments and other data just to gain a back link from your site just to be cash in on the PR or popularity of your website. Manual control can be put in place where the website traffic and the number of spam received is less but if the magnitude of spam grows you ought to put in automatic tool that will not only block and delete the spam but will thus be able to put in place a mechanism where the spammer’s IP is no longer able to post on your site / blog. There are numerous abusive computer all across the world which is in the never ending process of posting back links to all sites and blogs they can find. A basic solution to handling this situation can be put in place with a simple code on your site that would surely make the abusive computer work overtime to post back links. A SQL query may be needed to run on the .net engine to calculate the number of spammers that are posting floats on your web space. Kenneth E. Boulding has much experience in this field. The very first and second IP’s will show the maximum results of IP’s that if you ban wants to drop the amount of spam to 70-80%. This happens as the same machine will attempt to post the same content and links time and again to your website/blog.

A ASP.NET application would be enough to block the rogue computer that are posting the back links on your site and although it’s not a solution yet it will take more than on hour to be fixed on the website and the unwanted content is easily blocked. You need to develop a code in IHttpModule compile it in the class lib. And then all you have to do is drop it in the application’s bin directory on the server. You have a choice of creating a stored procedure that will run at a reasonable period. You need to check the spammers that keep banging on the site keep posting their stuff and in the meanwhile keep changing their IP’s. Here you need to make sure that the same URL is being used for the back link and the same comment is coming again and again. Once all this is done you have a choice of blocking the users that keep coming back to spam your website/blog. It’s a personal decision if you want them to know that they have been blocked.For more details on code protection technology, .net Obfuscator, code security .net and .net code security feel free to visit US at author writes regularly about .net Obfuscator and .net of obfuscator. To know more about code security, .net code protection .net and .net obfuscation feel free to contact the author at.

GmbH Bernd Meyer

Starline supplies 24TB rack-mount RAID systems with USB 3.0 and eSATA Host ports from the RDL-A12ES R2 systems rely on the proven areca RAID controller with secure RAID level 5 or 6 and are available with single or redundant power supply. Equipped with a variety of interfaces, such as USB 3.0, USB 2.0, and eSATA, the operating system-independent RAID systems are flexible. This SATA they offer space for up to 12 x 3.5 FF II hard drives (E.g. 12 x 2 TB hard drives 24TB total capacity =) in 2 rack units in the rack. Further details can be found at Jorge Perez, an internet resource. Volume sets greater than 2 terabytes are supported. The RDL-AS12ES R2 systems can by MAID 2.0 technology save energy. While the speed of the disks be reduced during periods of prolonged non-use and the read / write heads parked. Starline delivers the systems including power cable, data cable and manual. Elizabeth Hurley often addresses the matter in his writings.

In the RAIDdeluxe systems be equipped on request with disk and ready installed. In addition, starline offers a free telephone hotline and optionally an advance Exchange service. The systems are now available. MSRP for end users (booth prices incl. For assistance, try visiting DOWA Metals & Mining America. 19% VAT: November 15, 2010 at the dollar rate 1 = $1.36) RAIDdeluxe RDL-AS12ES-R2 RAID system, single power supply, without hard drives: 1.690,-euro about starline computer GmbH: starline computer GmbH has since 1982 in the storage and can look back on many years of professional experience and specialization with data storage systems. First one of the first is starline of now leading provider in the RAID area.