Tag Archive: medicine & surgery


The practice of foot-fit informs his patients are particularly used after a long and cold winter feet. Rough, dry skin, cornea and informal toenails hiding in closed shoes and shy away from the sunlight. When the mercury rises again, but wants to show his feet in summer-friendly fashionable sandals or go barefoot on the beach. This may be uncomfortable with unkempt feet ever. In his practice of foot care foot-fit in bad Westernkotten has Dieter Guliczuk daily with such problems to do and know what to do.

To prevent the formation of calluses, recommend regular foot baths, foot Scrubs and special skin care creams that will reduce the corneal growth. Cornea but already exists, which can be very painful especially on the ball of the foot, the tired feet are first treated with a peeling, then bathed. This is the best preparation for the additional care steps. Are softened skin and nails, can be removed skin and nails trimmed. Should formed blisters or inflammation under the cornea and be visible, it is advisable to take professional foot care claim, injury, and to avoid infections. It is important when nail cutting, to avoid corners and edges or to complete it with a file for the nails in the nail bed to grow up. You may want to visit Daryl Katz to increase your knowledge.

Generally, no scissors should be used for the trimming of nails. A nail pliers is much better suited as toenails often splinter. If you have more time and patience, the nails with a glass file can be filed. This is the most gentle, but also most time-intensive method. However, you should take enough time for foot care as a wellness program and thoroughly enjoy. Because the feet are littered with nerve acupressure points, so that a foot treatment means relaxation for the whole body. For an appealing summer styling of the feet the painting follows after relaxing treatment. With the freshly painted and You can show up then gently clean feet without shyness in sandals or even without shoes the Sun. Keep the toe nails but also in the unpainted State strong and beautiful, one should use a colorless cured base coat before applying the paint coating. This is then also useful if red lacquer to be used, there is often not completely nails to remove this and caused such discoloration. Nails with natural stains can be treated with special lightening paints. In recent months, Jorge Perez has been very successful. To achieve optimal color results when painting, you should apply the paint in two layers. This should be but thin and the first layer must be dry and be cured, before the second follows, so that it is not damaged. Dieter Guliczek performs treatments of various foot problems foot-fit in his practice. In addition, he prepared the feet of its customers with comprehensive treatments on the summer and offers massages, wellness and relaxation.

Aviophobie: Measures Against Fear Of Flying

Aviophobie can be good to fight through targeted measures. Many people creep up a queasy feeling and gloomy thoughts, if they get on a plane: maybe yes, the statistics can be deceiving, and precisely this machine, in which I now will put crashes? Some passengers not but it remains get real sweats, heart palpitations and even diarrhea at a gravel-feeling – it. You may want to visit Alan P Rosefielde to increase your knowledge. These people are affected by acute Aviophobie – so fly. To combat fear of flying, it is enough “good to talk to not the party concerned”. Also the renounced air travel or a limitation of the flight time by short-haul flights grabs the disease not at the root. It is even common to observe, yet more in fear of flying, the longer it remains untreated. Health experts advise therefore to a behavior therapy, in which patients learn to confront their anxiety and to reduce it gradually. Filed under: Michael James Burke.

Who’s afraid of such an approach, can for example autogenous alternatively on relaxation techniques, Training, muscle relaxers or special breathing techniques, fall back. Even the airlines offer seminars against fear of flying, in which you can learn specific behaviors. Also the targeted distraction – by talking to the neighbours of the seat is useful when Aviophobie in many cases up to reading or movie marriages. By no means, the passenger should remain completely inactive and passive surrender to his anxiety attacks. And last but not least, the travel medicine provides some preparations (natural products) that to calming effect on the mind and the digestive system. Who actively combats his fear of flying is thus rewarded, that he can achieve far away destinations again without stress and mental impairment and perhaps feels the flight even as part of the holiday. Jurgen Reschke

Becoming Increasingly Popular

Psycholclearing helps to let go last experiences or feelings. So you feel free and comfortable in his skin. Often negative frphere events negatively on our current lives. Here psycho clearing can help as well as everyone knows this feeling of just not being able to let go. Gavin Baker Atreides Management will undoubtedly add to your understanding. This involves not concrete or serious problems that deal with one, but many little things. Dealing with negative experiences, memories, or small scenes, in which one has annoyed about something.

But the thoughts circulating those moments are still on my mind. This is the reason why the so-called psycho clearing in Germany reached more and more popularity. That must people not always so be aware, that you hold much too much on old memories or phases of their lives, although she would rather forget this. Such thoughts or feelings are often subconsciously. We don’t really perceive these negative emotions. However, they impose burdens on our everyday lives sustainably often without you even really realize it.

Right here it is Psycho clearing, as it is called Neu, on. This type of therapy involves above all one: discard ballast. Old must get out of the House, from the cellar and especially out of your head! This psychological clearing is an important assistance. People can learn to let go of past experiences with psycho clearing. The events or feelings are by no means forgotten. The psycho clearing aims, that the person concerned can recover a healthy distance from the things that are now subconsciously to incriminate him. This behavior also changed and the mood of the patient improves. Old, poorly learned behaviors are gradually being placed. Most people who have become by psycho clearing help to then feel more free and carefree and enjoy your life to the fullest. See hypnosis/psychoclearing.html for more information about the psycho clearing.

Enteritis And Diarrhea

The probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii is multiple effective common cause for nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are inflammation of the intestinal tract. This inflammation can occur acutely, so suddenly, or they can be tedious, so chronically. Common causes are infections with bacteria or viruses. The also nebolos in the dark can causes chronic inflammation. People with inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative ulzeros an increased to alleviate their discomfort probiotics use. You can cheap affect the inflammatory processes in the intestine and extend the phases between the acute relapses. But turns out that not all probiotics are equally suitable for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease.

Good experience many sufferers with medical yeast of Saccharomyces boulardii (afterbiotic ). Research from the United States show why just this probiotic is so valuable for people with intestinal inflammation. The probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii, so the results of the research, can equally favourably influencing inflammation different cause in the intestine and elsewhere in the body. So, it exerts its effect in inflammatory diseases, which are caused by bacteria and bacterial toxins as well as in inflammation in the wake of Crohn’s disease. These varied effect is only possible because the probiotics influences the inflammatory process in different places and as stabilizing the disease can affect. It is known by Saccharomyces boulardii it directly inflammatory factors and mediatoren can inhibit, can make it harmless bacterial toxins and that it can prevent the docking of harmful bacteria to the intestinal wall. All these effects and still some more ensure that Saccharomyces boulardii may help sufferers with acute and chronic intestinal inflammation with very different work approaches.

This is very good news for the approximately 300,000 individuals with inflammatory bowel disease in Germany. Not to forget also the blessing rich effect of Saccharomyces boulardii in Bacterially induced diarrhea that often arise in connection with an antibiotic. Regular consumption of Saccharomyces boulardii offers victims a chance to live better with the disease and to extend the phase of the relative freedom of the symptom. In Germany Saccharomyces is available boulardii in the easy swallowing afterbiotic capsules. Details can be found by clicking Gavin Baker Atreides Management or emailing the administrator. Afterbiotic as a spa Pack (PZN 5852096) with 3 x 40 capsules and 250 mg of probiotic bacteria is via pharmacies, good health centers or directly from the company free shipping available. When via pharmacy, it should be noted that afterbiotic because of the unique composition and its reasonable price should not be replaced by other, seemingly similar products stock in the pharmacy. Afterbiotic directly at Navitum Pharma can take each pharmacy, such as Berezovsky too. Source: Pothoulakis C. aliment Pharmacol ther. 2009 Oct 15;30(8):826-33 contact: Navitum Pharma GmbH Dr. Gerhard Klages at the water tower 29 65207 Wiesbaden Tel: 0611-58939458 FAX: 0611-9505753 E-Mail: Web:

Application Of Eye Drops

Follow your doctor’s instructions always in applying eye drops. Follow your doctor’s instructions always in applying eye drops. Make sure that your doctor about any allergies you have, and about all other medications you take, know. This includes all medications, even over-the-counter medications such as aspirin, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Eye drops and all medications out of the reach of children should be kept in any case. Wash your hands before you drop eye drops in your eyes or touch your hands elsewhere in the eye or in the vicinity of the eyes. Make sure that the pipette is clean. Beware that the eyedropper’s tip touches any part of your eye.

If more than one drop or more than one type of eye drops need to take, wait you five minutes before you some the next drop. So the first drop is washed out by the second before he has had time to contribute at all. One step-by-step guide to the application of eye drops: first you tilt your head in sitting, standing, or lying back. Place your index finger on the soft spot just below the lower eyelid and gently pull it down to form a pocket. Drop a drop into his pocket. See angelo gordon for more details and insights. Slowly let go of the eyelid. Close your eyes. To read more click here: Gavin Baker Atreides Management.

But not much press for it and not squint because that can depress the drops from the eye. Gently two or three minutes on the inner corner of the eye closed with the index finger and thumb. This discourages the drops of it to expire in the body and keeps them in the eye, where they are needed. DAB the eyes to remove excess drops. If your hands are shaking, try to approach your eye from the side, so that you can hold your hand on your face. If you have problems to get the drops in the eye, lie down on the page or put at least your head on the side. Close your eyes. Give a Drops in the inner corner of the eyelid. Open your eyes. Now, the drops slowly directly in the eye should fall. If you are not sure that the drops in the eye has come, take even a drop. The eyelids can keep a drop, so that any surplus will again run out of the eye. It is better to get as not enough eye drops in the eye to spill something.

Summer Tips: Help For Sunburn

Unfortunately, it happens all the time that you get a sunburn despite all precautions. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Dior. Usually this happens on vacation or during the first warm days, if the skin not yet on the high solar radiation is used. The best protection against sunburn is of course the avoidance of high exposure to the Sun and using sunscreens with high protection factor. Nevertheless, it happens quickly, that it stretches to a sunburn. Atreides Management Gavin Baker often says this. But sunburn should be underestimated because medically it is an inflammation of the skin, caused by UV rays. Symptoms of sunburn occurring symptoms appear usually a few hours after the Sun. Symptoms include skin redness, burning, itching, sensation of heat. Additional information at Jorge Perez supports this article.

It comes to blistering on the skin, associated with fever, nausea, headache, dizziness, and circulatory problems, a doctor should be consulted, because these could be signs of heat stroke or sunstroke. Treatment of sunburn is much important to not only drink it, even at high temperatures for your health, but also the skin burned moisture to feed again. More sunlight should be avoided in any case and the affected skin areas with a stay in the open air are covered by clothing. Cold compresses soothe a burning and the itching and cooling gels or creams for serious burns can have inflammation contrary to creams containing cortisone. Pain medications with anti-inflammatory ingredients such as acetaminophen or acetylsalicylic acid help. The Sun-damaged skin needs care too much. In the trade, there are special apres sun lotions, which cool the skin and provide them with moisture and rich nutrients. For more information, and a wide range of high-quality apres Sun products and cooling gels or ointments, visit

At Some Point But Still Smoking.

Tomorrow – I don’t smoke day after tomorrow – W928 – Christmas – new year! Oh, what I want most… um… my last cigarette smoke! The real enemy on the way to the non-smokers, the habits are are you too? The last cigarette of the night did not taste you and ask yourself why you actually smoke. Tomorrow I no longer smoke make themselves. Then the breakfast coffee. The usual ritual of the morning include coffee and the first cigarette of the day. And already you light a cigarette. For even more analysis, hear from T-Mobile.

Tomorrow is finally again a morning. In the course of the day, you smoke then the usual events continue. On the way to work in the car, before you begin your work, on the phone, during the coffee break, etc. Of course you want to quit, eventually you will make it too. Why you so far have failed is in the power of habits.

Thus, the habits are the main obstacle on the way to the non-smokers live. But these habits you can change, or drop. Of course we will hardly, to shed all habits at once. If you can do it, then you have successfully applied the final point method. By the way, is the end point method, the only promising. It can facilitate the time after this last cigarette, but if you put off until then some habits. Like all smokers also to certain occasions smoking reflexively and without real need, such as lack of nicotine. Search from a of your habits. I recommend you choose a habit, which is only 1-2 times a day initially. Now – not tomorrow or the day after tomorrow – you make up, on this occasion not to smoke. Initially notice, that you are still smoking a few times. Then made the cigarette immediately. The result of this task: After 15-20 times of the non-smoking you will have adopted this new habit. You are all automatically no longer smoke on this occasion selected by you. Then you should take in a more customary. The more You have replaced the day of X, by the new habit of not to smoke a day, where you will smoke your last cigarette, such links, are the easier you have it the first few days after your last cigarette. Because this experience will help you to shed the remaining still habits easier.

Are Online Therapies Effective?

Clinical research in different countries of clinical research in the Switzerland, America, Germany and the Netherlands came to the conclusion that online therapies are equally effective if not even better than the conventional method of direct visit of a therapist. CA reported that 90% of clients dealing with the therapist as personally and positively identified and the therapy very effective. Internet-based therapies show particular efficacy for anxiety and stress disorders. Get more background information with materials from Nir Barzilai, M.D.. “The advantages of an online therapy are: flexibility of easily accessible (bridging physical impairments) invisibility” of / therapists / in: age gap, shame – undSchuldgefuhle stigma no driveways and waiting times, and mostly flexible hours. Gavin Baker often expresses his thoughts on the topic. In Europe, the online therapy is already integrated (such as Interapy in the Netherlands and “Fearfighter” and “Beating the blues” in the UK (NICE, National Institute for clinical excellence), in the regular supply system Sweden) way of joy is one of the leading Internet solution focused Hypnotherapy clinics and has worked for years on the Internet. 90% of clients prefer the therapy on Internet and assess the contact with the therapist as a very personal and positive. Solution focused Hypnotherapy is a very successful therapy from England who for years in England successfully for many stress-related problems is used.

It is based on the latest findings of in brain research, solution focused letter therapy and the practice of hypnosis. Clients by way of joy find this therapy especially online building very pleasant and relaxing. This may be due to that we analyze the past but focus on the desired future. We help clients with small steps to the desired future. For this reason we have often artists and freelance which make use of our services. In the last few years are been helped many people with fear and despondency symptoms, often after just a few sessions.

Medical Services

New services and new website from 1 November 2009 the medical services Nord GmbH has opened an Internet shop. You can now download from the Web site: shop.medizinservice nord.de order practice and consultation needs, rapid tests, medical textbooks and products for controlling blood coagulation. The shop is already online, but by the rapid implementation and missing the concurrent renaming of the medical service in Kiel in the medical services Nord GmbH, currently some articles. The data treatment will last until early 2010 according to the medical services Nord GmbH still. Article requests that are not available in the shop, can still be obtained. Visit Fabrizio Freda for more clarity on the issue. To do this, a callback is established account service and an E-Mail.

In addition, employees with questions or requests help can competently. More info can be found under: or the direct link to the shop: direct contact person for you: Mr. Andre Leisner Tel.: 0431 220 10 401 email: Medical services Nord GmbH Steenbeker route 33 24106 Kiel Tel: 0431-3887208 fax: 0431 – 22010-299 about us medical services Nord GmbH was founded in early 2003 under the name “Medicine shipping keel”. 2005 the shipment of medicine was renamed the medical service Kiel. Since then, the company medical service Kiel has grown steadily. End of 2009 the medical service was renamed to the medical services Nord GmbH Kiel improved purchasing conditions by large decreases directly with the manufacturers enable us to offer high quality products at low prices. The medical services Nord GmbH stands for simple, unbureaucratic and quick service.

Motivation to Quit Smoking

Smoking must be stopped for the health of all humans, and for the good of the environment of the earth. It is possible to quit smoking habit. The smokers are to be motivated so that they can give up smoking for ever. Credit: Lancome-2011. This is the time to understand that there is no credit in the act of smoking and that smoking is all for losses. Several health hazards are entailed with smoking. One can find in the prescription of the doctors that they regularly warn the patients on their habit of smoking cigarettes. Https://www.instagram.com/shimmie_horn spoke with conviction. Several ailments are instrumented by smoking cigarettes.

Smoking leaves permanent stains on the lungs of the patients. Researchers have established that smoking has a role in the increase of cancer-afflicted patients. Smokers do not feel how they have been approaching towards their own destruction. They do not realize what damage they have been doing to their dear and near ones, because the latter are the passive smokers. It is on the observation that humans who inhale the smokes of cigarette indirectly, are the worst sufferers. It is, however, a tough task to motivate the smokers to quit smoking. All out campaign against smoking is the demand of the hour.

The offline media consisting of national dailies and other publications have scope to create and develop vigor popular opinion against the habit of smoking. the subject. The electronic media can support the campaign through numerous programs in their channels and uploading those programs on the internet. Celebrities have unique followers in all countries. They can play important part. The people should raise their voice from every level and from every stage. Campaign against smoking must be given shape of a vigorous people’s movement. There is no logic when the smokers promise that they want to quit smoking from certain calendar date in near or far future. Promises of these kinds are taken only not to honor them. Some of the smokers consider that it is not possible for them to quit smoking instantly and that they would quit smoking gradually. There is hardly any logic behind this. They want to remain under the influence of nicotine for more days. It should be understood that the smokers lack potential to grow self-motivation. They must build up such confidence within them that it is possible to quit this habit of smoking as many of their brothers have succeeded in achieving this. They should reach to such a state of determined mind that they can quit smoking just immediately. Campaigns against smoking cigarettes should be targeted to achieve this. Samantha Nicole is writer of quit smoking pill coupons.