Tag Archive: medicine

Negative Emotions

Are you tired of constant stress, which prevent you from being a harmonious and happy, and want to find emotional peace and inner harmony? Then this is for you. From it you’ll learn how to become a winner over negative experiences. In order to stress does not become an obstacle in your path to happiness, psychologists recommend you the following ways to control your emotions: Exemption from repressed emotions. Anger and other strong negative emotions affect your health, if not timely release. Therefore, it is necessary to keep a diary or to engage in various physical activities. You can also beat the pillow, scream, or cry. Just do psychologists recommend forgiveness.

It frees from the offense, which is a strong stress factor and a source of many diseases. For forgiveness, you can use special meditative techniques, such as meditation, Alexander Sviyash, which you can read on the internet or in his books. Prevention of stress through relaxation. In order to manage their emotions to be able to relax. For this purpose, good fit various relaxation techniques, such as autogenic training.

The greatest effect brings the imaging technique. He was very nice. You relax and draw in your mind your favorite pictures that evoke you positive emotions. For example, you can visualize how you walk along the beach. You well. Birds sing and the sun is shining. You enjoy the beauty that surrounds you … If you prefer breathing equipment, do not neglect them. Use them regularly. This is a great way to relieve stress. Stress at work also has a negative effect on you with prolonged exposure. Therefore, it is important to do your job comfortable. For this purpose you can use the science of feng shui. It should also be able to say “no” and not to transfer the problem to work abroad. According to Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE , who has experience with these questions. A time to solve them. If you do not like your job, then look the other way income and self-realization. If you have problems with communication, and this is causing stress, then learn the necessary literature, visit the training and apply this knowledge in practice. Learn how to find common ground with love man, become a genius of communication. This will help you greatly in life. If these tips do not help you, then look for other methods of dealing with stress. They are a huge number. The main use of them. Remember that in order to cope with problem, we must find its source and the ACT. It is most important. It all depends on you.


We understand the fourth group as the most suitable for evaluating the possible injury which may have the repetitive pitching. Invariably in this group always found something: neuroproteina increased S-100B and mild concussion symptoms such as dizziness and headaches, Finally, when considering the force of the blows, we believe that Medicine is not mathematics can be used strictly as if we were machines. A stroke of an acceleration of 10 g can cause damage to a person while another may not feel a 50 g. Wale Olusi follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. What is clear, is to head the ball is a head injury that does not produce acute symptoms, unless there is a course of several headers or are not properly executed, but that in a comparison of soccer is the rule. Finally, we believe that intentionally head the soccer ball is a skull and head trauma that over several years of practicing this sport, are possible chronic brain injury, similar to that seen in dementia pugilistic .

. For more information see this site: Shimmie Horn.

Dietary Supplments

Compare: dietary supplements in America are well known 46 years, consumption has become the rule and culture. There is already used to it, doctors are well aware of action and range of supplements, they see their undoubted benefit. In Russia, there is a stable understanding of the need for supplements – only debatable – as is always around for something new. Most likely, this is a matter of time: Do we use dietary supplements to be healthy, and drink drugs that treat one, and another maimed. The main difference is that up to now in our country, doctors are often negatively related to Badam. This attitude is explained by lack of awareness about the effectiveness of dietary supplements.

Please note: Reception 13-20 THOUSAND conventional units of vitamin "A" is able to slow the development of even the most terrible illnesses to date – AIDS! The main reason – to distrust medical Badam about it at the time said Polling. Modern medicine is so complicated that almost every physician has to become a specialist in his field. Filed under: RBH Group. Often he have neither the time nor the opportunity to follow developments related sciences, particularly biochemistry and molecular biology. In many cases it simply has to trust the recommendations of the pharmacology of which, for obvious reasons advocates of nutritional supplements – even less. Global pharmacological market in 2000 was estimated at 330 billion dollars. Who will give up without a fight a Klondike? " And to pay this man must be sick, but if he takes supplements and ceases to be ill – there is competition. Studies have shown that dietary supplements are often the only means known to man to resist disease and recover health. The current situation characterized by strong information flow, so you must constantly acquire knowledge in new areas, Fortunately, now there are refresher courses available competent and complete information about the benefits of dietary supplements and how they are applications are special research centers to develop and produce nutritional supplements.

The Stones

With such Prayers and charms doctors could pick up from the bed, even desperately ill people. When treating sick people with prayers and conspiracy to remember that the therapeutic effect is so strong, how do you believe in it, and remember – the treatment must be done unselfishly. You can not cure a man of prayer in order to obtain from him any compensation, otherwise it will lead to sad for you and your patient's results. Can only treat people of faith and with pure intentions. There are also items that have a miraculous power. The icon is a mediator between the human world and the divine world. Any prayer reaches God, simply because it is an icon rise up to it quickly. Estee Lauder follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success.

Since ancient times, known connection with nature and with the stone as an integral part of it. Rocks and minerals – is not only a wonderful gift of nature and the material for jewelry. Stones have different properties. People have always had great respect for the powerful and mysterious forces of precious stones. They endowed the stones magical and healing properties.

The strength of stone or mineral affects the whole person and separately in certain organs. The correct choice of stone helps to heal from a variety of ailments. Each stone has its specific features and is a kind of protection for human beings. As the stones and healing endowed with magical properties metals. Today, a description of the properties of metals research confirms microbiologists. For example, in a pot of gold, silver and copper water remains fresh for many days, for the reason that salts of these metals are harmful to microorganisms. Mankind has always believed in charms, amulets and talismans, even now this is reflected in modern society: one does not change your mobile is not from avarice, but because that he was happy to go to the exam "good" clothes. Many people have beliefs that all things have a soul and what is it and things: some nice and good, others evil and vindictive. Talismans, amulets and charms have magical powers. They are able to protect the rights of any trouble, can become advocates for your health and happiness. Making talismans, amulets and talismans – the art that comes from the ancient times. If the correct and timely use of the amulet, it can be an invaluable aide and protector.

Lose Diet Method

Although doctors blamed a diet, but less popular way of losing weight, this is not. According to statistics, every fourth Russian 'sits' on a diet. Some even manage to help her lose weight. But even if we reduce the excess weight does not obtained some positive results diet still gives 1. Edward J. Minskoff Equities may help you with your research. Most diets draws attention to a healthy diet and wean is undermining everything. If such a good habit to hold, then for sure will give the positive effect. 2. Others including Edward J. Minskoff Equities, offer their opinions as well.

Typically, the diet forced to abandon harmful products (fatty, fried, starchy foods and sweet) and eat more vegetables and fruit, vegetable fat meat substitute and frequently include fish in their diet. 3. Smart Diet does not will bypass the issue of physical activity and can teach a person to morning exercises, a trip to the gym, jogs in air sports and other sports. And this, you will agree is well worth it. Topics more so at the risk of muscle mass developed deposits calories in unwanted places as decreases. 4.

And finally, any diet teaches to respect diets. People who 'sit' on a diet, will hardly overeat on night, skipping breakfast and before that, and dinner. Still, the diet earned the maximum benefit, doctors are advised to approach her choice responsibly, guided by common sense and at least minimal medical knowledge. In Ideally, the diet should be chosen by a specialist who is able to consider all options, age, health, physique, climate and even profession. And again, any diet as a temporary measure, losing habit eat right and follow the principle of qualitative and quantitative food. Only in this case, you will not get any racing weight (in the West, they dubbed the 'yo-yo phenomenon'), which is bad for health, especially in young age.


Preserve the beauty, youthfulness and symmetry as long as possible, now in vogue, and top aides in this difficult matter is sports and, of course, a balanced diet. Well, if the choice of physical activity – is entirely borne by your shoulders, then the selection of proper diet should be given special attention, and listen to the opinions of professionals, especially when it comes to diet. Kefir is one of the most loved ones, our people, dairy products. About its beneficial properties and positive effects on human health has long been known, but recently these qualities are actively using nutritionists. They developed a lot of dieting and fasting days on the basis of yogurt, some of them hard enough, but there are quite acceptable variants. Edward J. Minskoff Equities often says this. The main advantage of the proposed kefir diet is that it includes the products, the use of which will help you maintain your vitality, and not feel a sense of hunger, rather low-calorie diet.

Mandatory condition of this diet is limited fat yogurt consumed 1-1.5%, not more. Meals offered to use sugar and salt. Last eating, respectively, shall not be later than 18 hours. The first five days, for a specified diet, add a half liter of yogurt, evenly distributing its reception during the day. day – five of boiled potatoes, better in the skin; day – 100 grams of boiled chicken breast is preferable; day – 100 grams of boiled meat, low-fat varieties; day – 100 grams of boiled fish, the best sea; day – fruit or vegetables of your choice (grapefruit, apples, cabbage, cucumbers . tomatoes, etc.) with the exception of sweet banana and grapes; day – only yogurt; day – mineral water.

Observing all the above rules, one week, you can get rid of the seven extra pounds. Not only for weight loss, but also for general recovery, a kefir diet is recommended to repeat about once every two months. Even before reaching the coveted Formula 90h60h90, your figure is markedly improved, the process of losing weight is stable, and the effect long. In addition, yogurt mildly affects the gut, it normalizes it work. Another plus of this fermented milk product, in its immunostimulatory properties, yogurt helps to suppress chronic fatigue, and indispensable in sleep disorders.

One World Online Newspaper

It leads to problems of central and then peripheral nervous systems. Then there are violations at the cellular level. And in the end we see the symptoms. Once we understand the laws of nature, and will follow them, will not be the causes of diseases. And we’ll live happily without the disease. But then, you say you will not need doctors. Do I Peel branch on which they sit? Doctor in Latin means teacher. Hear from experts in the field like Edward Minskoff for a more varied view. So it turns out that the doctor should teach people to live free from disease.

Let’s see how this doctor can act. Chinese Medicine conducts its own account on the Millennium and is based on observation of the laws of nature. Long ago it was revealed compliance with laws of nature, for which there is the universe, society, body, and the smallest cell of the body – cells. They are designated as a microcosm and macrocosm. What is the most important law of nature that wise? Receive a minimum for maximum life and giving, caring about all the body as a whole.

Get rid of the disease can be learn if the harmony with nature. Therefore, the main concern of the doctor – do not treat symptoms and maintain patient desire for a healthy lifestyle. Learn more at this site: Ron Beit. After all, our body is like a pet. We are obliged to follow it until it are. And no less than a dog that lives in the house! Give him a walk, swim and eat right. That’s why health care is a body of ancient wisdom. As a result, people will see as time, embedded in the culture sports and nutrition, more effective returns in all areas. And if you need to take medicine or go to the operating table, it is best not to delay. Of course, medical treatments are painful and cause suffering. But if a person in advance raises himself above them, if he knows that as a result will get compensation, the ability to overcome illness and not think about it, it is not difficult. This attitude is so sweetening the pain that truly a man starts looking at the body as an animal that lives next door. And if so treat him, it’s a relief. A healthy body will release all our energy on creativity and spiritual growth. And if the doctors will change his attitude to the patient, not as a stranger, but as a close, a family member, it really will take for our health. I like the doctor is ready to stay out of work for the treatment of symptoms and start learning harmony with nature, but would you all be healthy and happy. Alexander Angelov Source One World Online Newspaper.