Tag Archive: philosophy

Rich Poor Persons

Edson Silva One day of these in the matutino periodical of a great sender of TV, a colunista spoke on the drugs that if spread (it makes time) in our country and left to be transparent the abyss between two worlds: of the rich ones and of the poor persons, who unhappyly are reality in Brazil, although some advances. Motes of the commentary had been two types of drugs: crack and the cocaine, that in the truth is practically one only, being that the first one would be ' ' destinada' ' to the poor persons, for to be cheaper, nothing more it is that badly fine remaining portions of the cocaine, as the metal slag of a casting, for example. In determined moment, the colleague journalist, very experienced of profession for signal, he said that crack only makes badly the user, who will shorten the life, since the drug vitiates more fast in little time will be lethal, destroying character, autoestima and taking the death. The commentary is illustrated by ' ' armies of you buzz of droga' ' , formed for men, women and until extremely lean children. I found the vision simplista, after all it was not led in account that the such vitiated that they would be making alone itself same have families, net of friends and another thing, any life is valuable and crack is in all the layers of the population. Everything with this vice has stories of people of the high society losing, leaving studies and profession. Edward Minskoff may find this interesting as well.

It has that to also take in account that the vice still more stimulates crime, with occurrences each time bigger of roberies and robberies, that are the forms that the slaves of this drug find for the maintenance of the vice, thus keeping the profit of this commerce, many times kept with the connivance of authorities. how much the society in general, always has excuse that the problem is not with me, beyond the question of the unreliability. This world of vice foments murders, is practised by vitiated stubborn in obtaining more drugs or in which they are victims in function of debts with chefes and intermediate. But coming back to the commentary I televise, the colunista one cites the cocaine as drug of the rich ones e, as she was eyewitness of facts, insinuates that some politicians vary of mood and influence its decisions in relation to the people when working under effect of the same one It said that he occurs in our country, but everything turns &#039 here; ' denuncismo' ' , almost nothing test. Without fondness to be redundant, we have that ' ' to rain in molhado' ' , exactly in these times of drought. Against the drugs you bid or illicit, is necessary same to stanch the fogueiras that foment such problem and this is only obtained eradicating misery, giving quality education and keeping our busy children the biggest possible time in activities of education, sport, leisure, everything far from the street, with the affection of the family and the security and protection of a state that makes to be valid that of its children she is gentile mother. Edson Silva, 48 years, journalist, was born in Campinas and works as assessor of the press in Sumar. edsonsilvajornalista@ yahoo.com.br

Industrial Revolution

It has an immense cultural building, an accumulation of millenia of history and education, that falls down on our heads since that we are born. The Code of Hamurabi, the Roman law, the philosophical systems, the religious doctrines, the Great Letter, the French Revolution, the Declaration of the Human Rights, the creation of the ONU, the rights and defenses of the consumer, the Constitution, the codes criminal, the education of the home, the schools It is this that civilizes in them. to each moment of the history of the humanity, in accordance with the circumstances, new civilizadoras institutions and new moral values are created. A good example of as the moral change with the times is to reflect on the question of the slavery. In Atenas, in Old Greece, time of philosophical and artistic esplendor, and cradle of the democracy, it had slavery, something execrado today for societies until mediocre, in comparison with that one, and for regimes very even though ditatoriais (for example, it did not have a classroom of slaves in the violent and overwhelming Latin American military dictatorships between years 60 and 80 of century XX). Per some centuries, the slave traffic and the slavery in the American continent were a beneficial business legalized.

A person of good nature, humanist, could very have a slave in its house or farm well, without if recriminating or feeling themselves guilty therefore? as well as we have badly paid employee house servants currently and, that they are espremem in the life with the wage that we pay to it, while we, for luxury, spend more than in an only weekend what its wages. Particularly, I am not saint, but I abominate the slave traffic and the slavery. When, after the Industrial Revolution, the slavery left of being interesting for the powerful industrials, which needed a classroom consumer (therefore wage-earning work) to buy its products (also the English industrials needed the market in Americas), the protests against such calamity human being, until laws had at last appeared for, first to hinder the slave traffic, and later the slavery had been increased.

The Industrial Revolution

The first one signaled the end of the feudal monopoly that had reigned of form decentralized for all the medieval age, thus assuring, a dynamic development in the commercial transactions in lucrative ends, second if consubstanciava in the entronizao of the reason and mechanist developing of a universe managed for inflexible laws. In these sociocultural sources it is understood on account first reform of the one Industrial Capitalism, as Jose Jobson Arruda cites, in the book Modern History and Contemporary. It comments that: ‘ ‘ The Industrial Revolution provokes the third stage of the development of the capitalist system, now with the supremacy of the industrial activity. This new phase, called industrial capitalism, appeared in England, century XVIII, and was, to the few, if extending to the remaining portion of mundo’ ‘ (ARRUDA, 1979, p.12). Already second, it occurs for coming out of the Iluminista Movement of the beginning of century XVIII, this had connotations essentially directed toward the study of the nature and the society, as it comments Arruda: ‘ ‘ The use of the reason was considered indispensable to the understanding of natural phenomena social. According to iluministas, until the belief it had to be rationalized. Therefore, they were deists, that is, they believed that God was present in the nature and, as he is part of the nature, It also if he found gift in the heart of the proper man who can descobriz it through razo’ ‘ (ARRUDA, 1979, P.

137/138). In this context of evolucionistas ruptures, but also of paradigmtica uprising how much to the cavern-social gear, mainly in the art, the economy and science, we come across in them with great personages of the daily pay-contemporaneidade, who through its intelectivas gestations, had lead to an inconceivable zenith in the dimension of the empirical human knowledge of the time.

Martin Heidegger

It came back toward Berlin in the year following, and same that was not custom of the German universities to destine important positions the Jews, Cassirer became professor instructor (Privatdozent) in the University of Berlin, where it remained per thirteen years. It published, in 1910, ' ' Substncia and Funo' ' , and in 1918, ' ' Kant. Vida and Pensamento' ' , a compendium of studies on the life and the philosophy of Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). Soon more, it received the invitation to occupy two chairs in the just-established University of Hamburg, where it remained until the beginning of years 30. In this half time, the 1 school of Marburg produced many texts is a great symbol of the neokantismo, and classifies such chain, in first place, as a theory of science, accenting the logical unit it thought. The inversion proposal for Kant, who instead of considering the scientific knowledge as a study of thing-in-itself what she enters in vigor is the questioning of the proper citizen, inspired philosophers as Cohen to adopt the kantiano method, and more than this, to exceed the proper kantismo, reducing to the philosophy to the one theory of the scientific knowledge, concentrating themselves in the conditions of the knowledge of the things, and not of the proper things. The school of Marburg follows this logical-objetivista tradition, and Cassirer did not follow such tradition to the scratch, and sample of this is that later it came if to interest for historical and cultural perspectives that refer to the human being. 8 academics and became related with other thinkers of great importance, as Albert Einstein (1879-1955) and Martin Heidegger (1879-1976). Moreover, it was in this half time that Cassirer published three volumes of the Philosophy of the Simblicas2 Forms, one of its main workmanships, in which still it displays some aspects neokantianos, as the consideration of that our conceptual structure is the key for the understanding of the world where we live.

National Education

It is important to emphasize that it is by means of this law that the professionalization in average education becomes optional for the schools. Considering average education as final stage of the basic education, in the decade of 1990, a significant space for the philosophy confides, exactly with dubiousness of the law n 9,394/96 – Law of Lines of direction Bases of the National Education, determining its approval, when it affirmed that all student to the ending of average education must have ' ' access to the knowledge of necessary Philosophy and Sociology to the exercise of cidadania' ' , but without having the treatment of it disciplines, combining itself in the set of the transversal subjects. Perspective this kept, more ahead, for the National Advice of Education, in 1998, through Resolution CEB/CNE n 3/98, and the PCNEM (1999) under three aspects: ) the precariousness in the formation of philosophy professors; b) the obligatoriness of disciplines would imply in costs/investments for the education system; c) the inclusion of the philosophy would go to reject the model to discipline of the school. After three years it moves in the Chamber and in the Senate a law project that would modify article 36 of the LDB, introducing you discipline them of Philosophy and Sociology in the resume of average education, being approved in these instances, and 2001, vetoed for president Fernando H. Cardoso, pointing two arguments. The first one would be costs, and as, the lack of qualified professors to take care of the requirements disciplines of them. For the defenders of the reinsero of the Philosophy as it disciplines obligator all these arguments were fallacious. In 24 of June of 2003, it has an audience carried through by the Commission of Education, Culture and Sport of the House of representatives, beyond moving in the National Congress a similar project to already presented in the House of representatives, making reference the Declaration of Paris, with the support of the Ministry of the Education, leaving facultative each Federacy the presence to discipline of the philosophy.

Rubem Alves

Aristotle defines the man as animal rationale, and is this definition, according to aristotelian thought, that distinguished the man from all the other things that they possess livens up. With effect, the conception of the man, since the aristotelian philosophy, is determined by the predicativo rationale; that is, since then, the man is defined as a being capable to think, of, by means of the thought, to create and to recriar. Therefore, ahead of this historical and antropolgica reality, in an educational perspective, I formulate the following questions: in the contemporaneidade, the man if has carried as one to be pensante? The social mechanisms of education have formed independent people, in relation to its facultieses to think and to create, or these mechanisms have formed heternomas masses? In its chronic Mouth of oven, Rubem Alves makes a critical one to the education in the contemporaneidade. According to its words, the education institutions form the pupils in the direction to be not thinking, but repeating of what already it is established as to know and they are passed to them as educational content. ' ' The children are taught. They learn well. So well that they become incapable to think different things. Echoes of taught and learned prescriptions become.

They become incapable to say diferente' ' (ALVES, 1994, p.22). The educators teach everything to them, less to exert the capacity to think, to create new ways to know it, of if venturing in the way of the knowledge without fear to make a mistake. Thus it speaks: I find that the education frequent creates tapirs: people who do not atrevem themselves to leave the learned tracks, from fear of the ounce. Of its tracks they know everything, the minimum details, specialists. But the remaining portion of the forest remains unknown. (Ibidem, p.25). With effect, Rubem Alves still affirms: ' ' tested knowing already has a economic function: to save work, to prevent errors, to become unnecessary the thought.


Toms life was born in Roccasecce in 1221. Although the hostility of the family, entered twirls in it of the Dominican ones, and of 1248 the 1252 were disciple of Great Alberto. To follow it taught in Paris and later in the main European universities (Colony, Bologna, Rome, Naples), as was custom of the Dominican ones. It died in 1274 in the monastery of Fossanova. 2. Anthropology Since the birth of philosophy one of the subjects more argued between the philosophers is the problem of the man.

Of where it comes? What to be man? Which its characteristics that it defines as a being? They are questions of which the Greeks if had set fire to try to understand this being. With You take by Aquino was not different. It also, after a long study, gave its definition of what he would be the man. For this it was based on the thought of Aristotle, one of the most appraised philosopher of old Greece. According to Aristotle, the man is constituted of substance and form as all the beings that substance has, only that in the case of the man the substance it goes to be the body and to form the soul. With this, the Estarigita surpasses the dualism of Plato.

This is the line that Toms de Aquino followed, clearly that, for it to be Christian, it of the felt new one to this thought. The aspects had been many for which Toms study the man, we go here only deepening in them some in which they deserve particular attention. 2.1 The unit of the human being For Toms, as well as was for Aristotle, the man is constituted of body and soul, changedding itself thus into an only one substantiates that it cannot be separate, where stops it soul is the form of the body in which it constitutes the man, without the interposition of any another form.

Motor Education

Cognitiva because she is necessary to form creative people in the direction to obtain to articulate overcoming elements accomplishes of the contradictions of new world-wide order. We consider, therefore, the development of the complexity of the structure human being as a process where the organism and the way exert influence on the individual, not separating the social one of the biological one. In this perspective, the citizen consists through its historical and cultural interactions, transforming them and also being able to be transformed. We complete such idea with the words of Assmann (1996): she is necessary to live the corporeidade stops beyond the traditional dualism brain-mind, body-soul. She is necessary, therefore, as it indicates Moreira (1996), to fight for a Corporal Education that it adopts as principle a learning human being and humanizante, in which the man in its structural complexity can be physiological, biological, psychological and antropolgico. The corporeidade is, exists and by means of the culture it possesss meant. From there the constatao of that the relation body-education, for intermediary of the learning, means learning of the culture ….. ' ' Body that if it educates is human body that learns to make history making cultura' '. Our enrollment in the Motor Education has as a matter of principle the search of the relevance of this disciplines in the context of the Pertaining to school Education, that if materializes in a revision of values where: – the body-object yields place for the body-citizen of the Motor Education; – the mechanical act in the corporal work yields place for the act of the conscientious corporeidade of the Motor Education; – the frantic search of the income yields pleasant practical place for and the playful one of the Motor Education; – the elitist participation that reduces the number of involved in the esportivas activities yields place to a participativo sport with the great number of human beings festejando and if communicating in the Motor Education; – the standardized and unisonous rhythm of the practical one of activities yields place to the respect to the proper rhythm executed by the participants of the Motor Education.