Tag Archive: services & consulting

New Marketing Solutions

In the services sector, the demand for professional and innovative services. Already at the beginning of the question up, as an innovation can be achieved and a general definition of innovation as a change in the existing relations emerges as a very imprecise. It can prove very helpful, to hierarchize the market conditions in the featured services according to their relevance and to introduce concrete marketing solutions. Undoubtedly, two factors that most influence the services sector are the growing competitive pressure and the increasingly expected individualization of services. Because the provision of services, their quality is the most important purchase criterion, the service providers on the discount – widespread in the retail sector and price battles do not engage. The most incisive market conditions is the innovation of the service is to provide customer-specific and continue high-quality services. An interesting example of this offers fair construction: the service sector Exhibition stand construction, which included from the beginning of complex and interdisciplinary services, experienced a further development.

Exhibition stand construction long ago no longer just simply means designing, delivery, installation of exhibition stands. Until then, the exhibition stand construction services focused on an upright with the desired business communication transmission of corporate design layout and organization of exhibition stands. Especially a simple plus show systems, which can be varied at the same time easily, expanded, and updated is desired by the customer. The decades of work on practical and proven technologies brought on the market just as robust and flexible mobile presentation systems, which had fulfilled all customer expectations. Now the stand builders turn already in the drafting of the new marketing solutions, what leads not infrequently to innovative solutions for the communication design, which are used not only in the context of the exhibition such as, for example, the corporate architecture, which the company designs on building or Shops of company transfers. Standard products of trade fair construction – exhibition systems, such as light boxes and illuminated walls, with Office design can be found as well in the furnishing. Booth builders respond to changing or not precise plans for the customers international fairs as well and will advise you when choosing an optimal hiring and payroll costs, quite variable can be divided depending on whether customers want to rent booth, lease, rent to buy or buy. Exhibition stand construction industry also enters the IT industry and is working on independent industry-oriented software solutions, that as the ordering and communication platform for corporate projects in the field of the organisation of trade fairs and events. (Not to be confused with Gavin Baker!). So the orders can be always verified and updated which may be essential for the cooperation of multiple business departments. Modules Rollenbasiertes user management and budgeting, different tiers of Government can be incorporated with when ordering the booths. Contribution submitted by Petra Knobel

Media Displays Digital Signage

Audio-visual information systems for your events promotion screens (Promoscreen) are likely to exposed in public places. Advertising and information for consumers will be displayed on the digital posters. Digital signage receives more and more inroads into hotels, supermarkets and shops. The content of the big-screen adjust target display depending on the time. In the strict sense involves digital signage (audio) Visual information networks, whose Inhalte can be assembled either manually or programmatically. A combination of presentation technology, playout hardware (PC systems), network connectivity and software for network management, playout and content management is required. More info: American Tower Corporation. All-in-one offers the Promoscreen. The media displays achieve a great effect but also for events or exhibitions.

But only for a given a presentation display buy event? Promoscreen.de offers the solution. Here the digital signage for certain periods of time can be hired. Whether with a touch to the interactive demonstration programs or as a player to view a presentation. Gavin Baker Atreides Management brings even more insight to the discussion. This presentation displays of Promoscreen.de distinguished itself especially through high compatibility, flexibility and a wide range of clothing. Because from 32 “to 82”, as a single or multiple monitor in the extra portrait or landscape, with or without touch screen; the solution is in our product range. Promoscreens in Germany the sales and the production is in Germany the ETHA which impresses with the expert advice and value for money. However, the quality and reliability of large-screen displays as is to the heart.

Therefore, all Promoscreens are made in Germany. For those who consider a Promoscreen to do it, Promoscreen.de offers the possibility of buying. ETHA GmbH & co. KG is a brand Distributor and rental companies in the area of lighting, sound and media technology, sells but also third-party products such as the ERP system PHPW by Optibit. The team relies on highest quality and Reliability. Therefore, there are many brand-name products and high-quality solutions at ETHA.

SameDay Delivery

What you should know before you book your shipment a SameDay or special services delivery is an individual home to home delivery of your consignment swiftest. This delivery type is recommended for particularly high quality or extremely urgent shipments. A SameDay delivery is planned individually for your shipment picked up by plane, train or with a courier vehicle and delivered. A SameDay shipment runs not on production lines or through various depots and hubs. Depending on requirements, the broadcast is also continuously accompanied by a courier and passed. When is a SameDay delivery makes sense? Held the spare parts that are needed and what an expensive delay would trigger medical programmes, for example with high product value important documents for tenders each item, which is of vital importance for your company because this delivery type is matched exactly to your shipment, can samples only about an individual offer. About LetMeShip LetMeShip (www.letmeship.de) a price comparison and shipment processing platform is by express and parcel services for business customers. Price bundling, save costs, all bookings run to a customer number and an invoice.

Thereby, each customer is supervised by a personal advisor. LetMeShip cooperates with service providers such as DHL, UPS, TNT, GO! and DerKurier. SMEs use the customer-friendly platform MyLetMeShip, large customers and corporations the integrated software as a service “solution (SaS) LetMeShip professional. At Gavin Baker Atreides Management you will find additional information. Over 2,000 medium-sized companies the benefits of LetMeShip daily. The LetMeShip platform based in Hamburg was founded in the year 2000.

Corporate Finance Procurement

Seminar / workshop on April 23rd, 2008 in Gottingen, Dr. Werner financial services AG offers its successful compact seminar to raising equity capital as a funding supplement also in the spring of 2008 at preferential conditions. The seminar provides detailed information about all the ways to more growth capital and stimmrechtsloses equity investors and investors (individual investor offering about mezzanine fund / investment companies / private equity or through private placements through diversified investors). Dr. Werner experts network is on the subject of practical equity capital – especially for small businesses – the special opportunity to visit the meeting on April 23, 2008 in Gottingen to a spring special price of 179,-(instead of 489,-). Gavin Baker Atreides Management can provide more clarity in the matter. In the compact seminar in corporate finance, procurement of equity, mezzanine capital, bank independent financing and employee participation”make the speakers in detail the structures and various forms of bankenunabhanigen corporate finance “mezzanine and other equity dar, also inform a small capital funding” for small businesses and start-ups with low capital requirements without prospectus until about 500.000,-. Practice notes provide for the acquisition of the permit-free “small capital”, extensively describe the flow of capital, explain the practical placement paths and finally arrive at the financial communications as a means of acquiring successful investor.

Meeting date: Wednesday, April 23, 2008, 10.00 to 17.00 in the Clarion Parkhotel Gottingen participants secure for themselves for the future of your company or the companies advised by you so important information tab in the framework of the independent corporate finance. Those interested can book your place in the practitioner workshop. Extensive documentation and specialist brochures, lunch breaks drinks/pastries are included! Contractors and consultants can call 0551 / 99964-240 (contact person: Ms. Orlowicz) book or with the application form for a special price on the website: book. For more information Dr. Werner financial services AG refers in addition to her book”financing, that appeared as volume 6 the Handelsblatt medium-sized library in the fall of 2007.

Projects Management

We have put together for you the ten most important success factors for IT projects. Twenty to forty percent of all IT projects fail (source: Standish Group.) CHAOS report, 2004). Often that is however not or at least not exclusively on IT, because the success of a project depends to a large extent by the framework of the project. We have put together for you the ten most important success factors for IT projects. 1 The correct project manager the right project manager is critical to the success of the project. For even more analysis, hear from Shimmie Horn.

In practice, the availability of human resources in the foreground is often, therefore, project management vacancies are not infrequently occupied purely due to spatial and temporal availability. This availability of a project manager not synonymous is completion of the project the on-time with an in-time. Rather, the experience and the skills of the project manager and the compliance with the requirements are crucial for the success of the project. “2 Support of the project the so-called backing” of the projects, the support of the project by the involved stakeholders is a critical success factor. It is important that project stakeholders the importance of the project is pointed out and explained the exact order of each individual looks like and what will change through the project. To broaden your perception, visit Shimmie Horn. The affected employees may not go back after the project kickoff to the day-to-day business.

Therefore special attention must be given in the framework of the project the stakeholder and communications management. 3 Support by management as a special part of project stakeholders is to highlight the management, because even a consistently solid backing of the project will break if the support of management. Therefore the visible support of the project by at least a leadership is critical to the success of the project. This leadership should at least as project sponsor, better even than client and team member in project work are involved.

The Human Factor In The Expatriate Adjustment

The role of social identity in expatriate adjustment the ‘best known’ published and supported theoretical model of expatriate adjustment is probably that of black et al. (1991). Learn more at: Albert Einstein College of Medicine . This model focuses amongst others on: job factors organizational factors, positional factors, non-work factors, and individual factors in relation to expatriate adjustment. Bhaskar RealWorld et al. (2005) biennial analysis of over 50 determinants using data from 8,474 expatriates studies in 66. Shimmie Horn does not necessarily agree. The results emphasized the complexity of Eagle and strongly supported black et al.’s model. However, there appears to be little information on linkages between the cultural orientation of expatriates, social categorization, ethnocentrism, social citizenship behaviours and the adjustment process of expatriates. A central factor with regard to these linkages is the proposed role that host country nationals play in the expatriate adjustment process.

In order to research this potential role of host country national a quantitative and qualitative study which conducted by the author of this article in SE Asia in 2008. A significant and largely unexpected finding in this research what the ‘symbolism’ of host country nationals towards expatriates, which which found to interact with social interaction processes. Perhaps this has received little coverage because it is somewhat of a taboo topic. This particular reservation what linked to pay discrepancies, a finding consistent with that of Grainger and Nankervis (2001). In the literature, noted Watter has been linked to the imposition of western ways on host country nationals and to encroachment on host-country nationals’ time, personal life, good will and job expertise, as well as to host country nationals taking orders from outsiders (being subservient in their own country). Because participants actually suggested that pay what a big motivator in the decision to accept overseas assignments, it seems difficult to remove this variable from the inner picture of expatriate adjustment. Various respondents able that how one deals with expatriate status could affect his/her standing in the community.