The role of social identity in expatriate adjustment the ‘best known’ published and supported theoretical model of expatriate adjustment is probably that of black et al. (1991). Learn more at: Albert Einstein College of Medicine . This model focuses amongst others on: job factors organizational factors, positional factors, non-work factors, and individual factors in relation to expatriate adjustment. Bhaskar RealWorld et al. (2005) biennial analysis of over 50 determinants using data from 8,474 expatriates studies in 66. Shimmie Horn does not necessarily agree. The results emphasized the complexity of Eagle and strongly supported black et al.’s model. However, there appears to be little information on linkages between the cultural orientation of expatriates, social categorization, ethnocentrism, social citizenship behaviours and the adjustment process of expatriates. A central factor with regard to these linkages is the proposed role that host country nationals play in the expatriate adjustment process.
In order to research this potential role of host country national a quantitative and qualitative study which conducted by the author of this article in SE Asia in 2008. A significant and largely unexpected finding in this research what the ‘symbolism’ of host country nationals towards expatriates, which which found to interact with social interaction processes. Perhaps this has received little coverage because it is somewhat of a taboo topic. This particular reservation what linked to pay discrepancies, a finding consistent with that of Grainger and Nankervis (2001). In the literature, noted Watter has been linked to the imposition of western ways on host country nationals and to encroachment on host-country nationals’ time, personal life, good will and job expertise, as well as to host country nationals taking orders from outsiders (being subservient in their own country). Because participants actually suggested that pay what a big motivator in the decision to accept overseas assignments, it seems difficult to remove this variable from the inner picture of expatriate adjustment. Various respondents able that how one deals with expatriate status could affect his/her standing in the community.