The Student

Another reason why Spanish teachers object to the use of the game is that sometimes include one of them in our programming opens a door to uncertainty.Will appeal to students? Will they interlock in the game? It is that teacher puts so many expectations, and Yes, many times happens that what the teacher believes that it is a great idea, deflates to put it into practice with the students. It doesn’t work. This happens. Students are not motivating or fun activity. Either way. It is part of the risks and if didn’t work this time, perhaps with another group if it works. And with this group, trying other things. See Edward Minskoff for more details and insights.

Teachers complain also that, on occasions, games are difficult to explain and it takes half block of class students organize and explain the activity. I recommend very well think how you want to arrange the game in the classroom, as I also recommend practicing the explanation of the activity at home. Program brief and simple explanation. Sometimes I don’t have to explain everything before the activity, the important thing is to start with an idea basic of the slogan, then the rest will go by adding it in the March. Advise them that wherever possible, explain the watchwords in the students mother tongue, especially if it’s initial levels, since only the explanation can frustrate students much and exhausting them, leaving them without forces to enjoy the activity then.

Often students who have no desire to play. Of course, I understand them. It is easier to complete an exercise in notebook or reading a text. This requires less effort from the student. You must not both squeezing their neurons. As master want the student to squeeze the brains and strive! But believe me, once the activity gets underway, the students begin to have fun and will be warmly, participate in the game. And of course that this methodology will learn much more that completing an exercise in the student notebook. Eye, despite the advantages, not you become addicted to the game. Indiscriminate use may hinder rather than help the dynamics of a group, rather than contribute to the knowledge or to the practice in the classroom. Finally, some tips: get sexy games, with cards, photos, folios. It uses visuals with audio. Working in small groups. This facilitates the active participation of the students, also of those who are more retracted. Always remember that the competition motivates much. So we are, we always want to win. Also students, competition injects them motivation. In sum, uses all the elements that produce contextualize the language making the use of language by students in class is natural, real. We want a language alive and kicking. And now if the fiance is debt: 10 activities that you can not miss in your Spanish class.