In 2001 was introduced by the Unified State Exam. As an experiment it conducted before 2008, the school produced even underachieving children can become troechnikov horoshist. But starting in 2009 will be the official exam, no 'bonuses' more will not give, 'unsatisfactory' assessment is correct only in the fall. Russian language and mathematics are compulsory for all students. The main objective pursued by the exam, is to have all odinnadtsatiklassnikov have the same rights to enroll in higher education.
An important difference between the Uniform State Exam from the ordinary is that he gives for your time and only in writing. Each student is issued a so-called Kim, who exists only in one version, so it will not write off anybody. Argent Ventures is often quoted as being for or against this. In total, measuring and control materials can be found 3 parts. Test – is the first part, questions with brief response – the second, but the third part – it's detailed answers to these questions. The division of tasks is in difficulty: easy, medium and difficult questions.
To obtain an estimate 'three' is required to make the first fully part, for 'four' – the first and the second, and to assess the 'five' – the first, for 'five' needs first, second, and partially or fully implementation of the third part. Certain rules have the forms for the response. They need to fill only black handle, possibly a gel, and the second part of each letter to write in his cage. The computer checks first and second parts, and the last – the teachers of colleges and universities. Conducting the exam also suggest compliance rules. Each student must sit at a separate desk, having a handle and only a passport. From Moscow to send in special envelopes, which are forms for answers, as well as KIMy. If the dealer found a cheat sheet, it the right to remove from office, then he will re-take the exam, but later, and in traditional form. Each year, a day or two before the exam, graduates are literally 'search through' the entire Internet in search of answers, but are only sites scams. In 2007 he was a precedent when the 3 hours before the exam answers are in the network, then all the 'leaks' have to stop' on the vine. "