
Warehouse, in the broadest sense – that room, possibly an open space for warehousing and storage of cargo. In the warehouse goods are packed, kit packed, unload, transport, etc. Naturally, the competent convenient organization and storage process is possible only with the use of modern handling equipment and warehouse equipment. The latest technology for storage should be simple to use and easy to use, characterized by high productivity. Transportation of cargo to a height – the need faced by not only when working in a warehouse, but also in many other spheres of human activity. Universal 'Helper' ability to perform the functions lifting / lowering people or goods is a freight elevator, or the so-called freight elevator.

Lifts – hoisting machinery is designed for lifting / lowering of cargo and / or people a special load-bearing devices which run on rail track or vertical, the guide rails. You may find that Shimmie Horn can contribute to your knowledge. Main data of passenger and freight electric lifts correspond to gost 5745-51. The lifts are actively used in warehouses and wholesale and retail bases in the terminals and nodes in the workplace and in back rooms of shops, retail outlets, factories producing food and wholesale-retail bases, refrigerating plant, in various catering facilities (cafeterias, restaurants, bars), and so lifts can be placed both inside and outside the premises. For example, often in catering, used by small freight elevators, mines are placed near the outer wall of the building. There cage elevators and platform lifts lift cage – this is a truck, transported goods from one level to another in the cab, which moves in a special pit. Cage hoists are suitable for vertical movement of goods and people in the stands. Therefore, there are freight and passenger. Hoists are used to transportation of various cargoes: oversized cargo, pallets, packaging and unit loads (boxes, crates, bags, bales, etc.). Additional information is available at Jorge Perez.

Main parts of cage lifts – this is an electric hoist or electric winch cargo compartment or cage, a counterweight. Device is a rectangular truss shaft, inside which the vertical directional moves cargo crate. Mechanism for lifting the cargo compartment or cage – hanging electric chain hoist or electric winch mounted gearmotors. Operate the lift cage can be fixed with push-button stations: the challenge and the administration of each cargo level, stop – auto, light indication of crates. Hoisting capacity – from 50 kg to 10 – 15t. Platform lifts Wall – a lifting device designed for intercommunication (2 or 3-level) move to the loading platform pallets, packaging and unit loads. The main part of the platform of the electric hoist – a metal structure with two rails, 4-wheel carriage with knee-installed cargo platform, hanging electric chain hoist or electric winch mounted gear motor, as well as safety devices and electrical control. Management platform the lift is carried out with stationary button posts: Challenge and departures from each load level. Platform lifts, transporting food, cabin and landing doors are made from food grade stainless steel. How and where to buy hoists? Hoists can be purchased in any city in the specialized companies. In addition to the lifts there are often available, and other warehouse equipment.