What must be in? What should be noted? To raise the prospect of an invitation to the Vorstellungsgeprach, the application should be as professional as possible designed and formulated. Also should contain the application a largely individual letter. You just put yourself in the position of the Chief of staff: he reads at least 50 applications a day and immediately realizes is someone giving trouble or has copied the text from the Internet. “For the first impression there is no second chance!” is always so nice. Therefore they should take care, that already the introductory phrase at the beginning of the mass puts them off. Nothing bores more than every day to read the same first sentence in an application easy. They must work out their strengths: you should this not artificially exaggerate, however this is the wrong place for false modesty. Little Pro Tip: to make credible the strengths you mention also a little weakness.
Let’s be honest, nobody’s perfect. Also no Chief of staff. Otherwise would be We machines, not people. And alone by this little trick, they break away from the crowd. Because I guarantee you that that very few do, let know. Should you have problems with the formulation of the cover letter, let them write it from a friend or look at the application pattern for professional applications, which will dramatically increase their chances of success. Check the letter absolutely right correctly. The best formulations are useless if some embarrassing spelling errors have slipped under.
This will be in the ranking of the best candidate far backwards throw, especially if you are applying as a banker or an accountant: professions which have to be used absolutely correctly. Check on the Internet, what exact formats on font size, margin, etc. must be observed, so that the application also optically perfect looks. Make sure that all records and documents supplied (references, training and certificates and references If these are available). In the next article, learn how they have to interpret formulations individual labour certificate. Hans p.