Monthly Archive: September 2012

Motor Education

Cognitiva because she is necessary to form creative people in the direction to obtain to articulate overcoming elements accomplishes of the contradictions of new world-wide order. We consider, therefore, the development of the complexity of the structure human being as a process where the organism and the way exert influence on the individual, not separating the social one of the biological one. In this perspective, the citizen consists through its historical and cultural interactions, transforming them and also being able to be transformed. We complete such idea with the words of Assmann (1996): she is necessary to live the corporeidade stops beyond the traditional dualism brain-mind, body-soul. She is necessary, therefore, as it indicates Moreira (1996), to fight for a Corporal Education that it adopts as principle a learning human being and humanizante, in which the man in its structural complexity can be physiological, biological, psychological and antropolgico. The corporeidade is, exists and by means of the culture it possesss meant. From there the constatao of that the relation body-education, for intermediary of the learning, means learning of the culture ….. ' ' Body that if it educates is human body that learns to make history making cultura' '. Our enrollment in the Motor Education has as a matter of principle the search of the relevance of this disciplines in the context of the Pertaining to school Education, that if materializes in a revision of values where: – the body-object yields place for the body-citizen of the Motor Education; – the mechanical act in the corporal work yields place for the act of the conscientious corporeidade of the Motor Education; – the frantic search of the income yields pleasant practical place for and the playful one of the Motor Education; – the elitist participation that reduces the number of involved in the esportivas activities yields place to a participativo sport with the great number of human beings festejando and if communicating in the Motor Education; – the standardized and unisonous rhythm of the practical one of activities yields place to the respect to the proper rhythm executed by the participants of the Motor Education.

Ambient Education School

The lack of sensitivity, elements and structure of the human being to explore this position at great length it placed us in this scene. Our commitment is the participation, together with the involved pupils/school and in this relation of tunning and interatividade, searching the permission so that the pupils if express and leave to externar its point of view, its perception front to the questions that are displayed ahead of our looks. The Ambient Education for the Art is only one another form to educate, that it can contribute for the acquisition/condizentes transformation of knowledge, values, attitudes and behaviors to the development, being used pedagogical the artistic expression as practical and as instrument of social intervention, being an educative process that some professionals incorporate in the too much pertaining to school spaces, being gifts in all the educative moments and spaces. 2 – EDUCATION 2,1 – ENVIRONMENT the chance is only singular of being able to weave commentaries on the Education and Environment. The humanity delayed much time to reach this level of communication with rapidity easiness. Without having the pretension to decide the ambient problems and questions through the Education, but considering that this is a basic element to spread knowledge, transforming them into information and I subsidize for formation, thus promoting the interaction of the pupils with the environment, approaching the concern of permear the pertaining to school resume all, allowing that the same ones are inserted in the context of this research, initially we look for to understand as the Education can contribute in this process of relation between the human being and the environment, popularizing the knowledge and information, sensetizing the community (society) to respect the same. The school is a space for production and appreciation of knowing, that it is a universal good, where practical the pedagogical one must provide to the pupils chances to create and to recriar the world, surpassing the understanding of the reality where it lives, developing personal aptitudes, that allow to show that the human being does not survive alone and its attitudes of citizen in the context of its community compromising this survival.

General Programming

Between the possible measures that they can to help to the prevention of the violence or disruptive conducts in an educative Center some appear here that can be effective: – To establish the high-priority values that are going to impregnate all the activities of the Center. Values like solidarity, respect, justice, etc. must be present in the General Programming Anual and reviewed being every year. – To try that this Programming is useful, realistic, makes specific and with precise instruments of evaluation. – To bring back to consciousness to the directive equipment on the necessity to realise preventive measures to improve the coexistence – To animate to the Cloister to establish measures to confront the problem of the violence. – To establish a Plan of coexistence, planned, based on the analysis of the context, the evaluation of the previous course, proposing preventive measure, like monitoring in recreation, changes of classroom, functions of the guard professor, protocols before minor offenses, etc. In this plan the cogoverning measures must be collections whose purpose is the formation of the pupils. – To create Commissions of coexistence, but implying in her all the educative community.

To establish Commissions of Coexistence that evaluates, it acts and it plans all the activities on this subject and that not only it meets when a conflict exists. – To favor the integration of all the pupils, as much with welcome programs, like of measures of nonexclusion. – To establish the necessary measures and the criteria of quality so that the positions of a guardian in the best conditions are developed. – To realise protocols of action before aggressive conducts between all the components of the educative community. – To establish the measures against the scholastic Absenteeism.

– To apply with justice and fairness the Regulation of the Center. – To establish clear and explicit norms of conduct. It is necessary to jeopardize to the pupils in the establishment of them. If they know the norms, and they take part in the establishment of them they consider, them like objectives to reach and not like imposed objectives. These norms must be few, coherent. – To give protagonism to the good Meeting of Delegates with defined objectives, as well as with concrete activities. – To work in collaboration with the parents. It is important that know the norms the Center, to observe signals in the behavior of the children, to control extra-curricular schedules, to know the friendly, to control the use of new the technology. – To realise activities of promotion of the coexistence in collaboration with the parents. – To harness the creation of Schools of parents. – To foment extra-curricular and complementary activities whose objective is to facilitate the coexistence, being developed the education in values. – To establish information channels to arrive at all the members of the scholastic community. – To include the analysis of the coexistence like important element of the activities of the Center. – To harness the social relations with the scholastic surroundings, organizations, city council, services, centers of mental health, associations, etc.

Recycling and Education

Recycling is today, perhaps, the method more known and used in Projects of Ambient Education. However, some initiatives in this direction bring obtain ideological manifestations and politics, according to proper logic of the market in the confrontation of the ambient problems. For this reason, the objective of this article is to argue despite briefly the fact of that the ambient politics and especially the ones that involve the questions of the garbage and the recycling must most be elucidated for not running the risk to changed it Ambient Education into a practical education of extensionistas, that is, based in transferences techniques to know without to dialogues and questionings regarding the origin of the things. Word-Key are provided: garbage, recycling, Ambient Education, Consumerism, CapitalismoAo to argue itself concerning thematic ambient, one of the subjects most boarded certainly will be of the problematic one of the garbage, not only in as well as international national scope. The justification for such fact the easy perception of the citizen can be atrelada front to the problems caused for the lixos as in such a way visual pollution how much of the ground and waters, contamination of plants and animals, proliferation of plagues as rats and cockroachs and damages to the health human being. In the present time the ambient questions come if becoming fashion and finish for not being treated with the seriousness and depth that deserve due its great relevance in the life of all we.

If one of the debated subjects more in the ambient question is the garbage, when it is specifically about this subject, then it appears to the association to the recycling. The same it happens when it is said in Ambiental.Criou Education, then, the false idea of that recycle objects as simply plastic, paper, metal and glass decided the relative problems to the garbage. E, thus, these activities come being developed precariously for City halls, Schools, University.