Motor Education
Cognitiva because she is necessary to form creative people in the direction to obtain to articulate overcoming elements accomplishes of the contradictions of new world-wide order. We consider, therefore, the development of the complexity of the structure human being as a process where the organism and the way exert influence on the individual, not separating the social one of the biological one. In this perspective, the citizen consists through its historical and cultural interactions, transforming them and also being able to be transformed. We complete such idea with the words of Assmann (1996): she is necessary to live the corporeidade stops beyond the traditional dualism brain-mind, body-soul. She is necessary, therefore, as it indicates Moreira (1996), to fight for a Corporal Education that it adopts as principle a learning human being and humanizante, in which the man in its structural complexity can be physiological, biological, psychological and antropolgico. The corporeidade is, exists and by means of the culture it possesss meant. From there the constatao of that the relation body-education, for intermediary of the learning, means learning of the culture ….. ' ' Body that if it educates is human body that learns to make history making cultura' '. Our enrollment in the Motor Education has as a matter of principle the search of the relevance of this disciplines in the context of the Pertaining to school Education, that if materializes in a revision of values where: – the body-object yields place for the body-citizen of the Motor Education; – the mechanical act in the corporal work yields place for the act of the conscientious corporeidade of the Motor Education; – the frantic search of the income yields pleasant practical place for and the playful one of the Motor Education; – the elitist participation that reduces the number of involved in the esportivas activities yields place to a participativo sport with the great number of human beings festejando and if communicating in the Motor Education; – the standardized and unisonous rhythm of the practical one of activities yields place to the respect to the proper rhythm executed by the participants of the Motor Education.