Monthly Archive: October 2012

Resonance Earth

To measure (to assess both quantitatively and qualitatively) any energy field we need to create a cavity for it. Moreover, the device must have the same geometric proportions, which are inherent in the object under study (the emitter of the field). Such a device called Cavity forms, ie, for such a measuring device plays an important role resonance form than private performance of the radiator at resonance. Since this point is very important for understanding resonance, we repeat the same few paraphrase: Examining the phenomenon of resonance (electromagnetic, mechanical or any other) there is a curious pattern: the resonance phenomena most successfully occur at identical spatial geometry of resonating objects. Moreover, regardless of size: that is, macroform may interact not only with the commensurate structure, but microform. The density of the crust, mantle and core of the Earth – is different.

Because of the discrepancy between the axes of rotation and the difference in density of the Earth, we find that Earth's magnetic field, which also have at the moment. From this we can conclude that our measuring field of the Earth must be the same or a geometrical ratio, as a planet, or that we are acceptable to repeat its geometric proportions. This will occur Resonance forms for which observance of proportions is of prime importance, not individual characteristics of the radiation observed at the resonance phenomena. Subject to the geometry and at a certain speed the interaction of all structural elements can be a resonance phenomenon with Earth's magnetic field.