Monthly Archive: November 2013

Self-knowledge: Who Am I? Where I ?

Each of the 7 following ideas have a force that can change your perception of life: 1. You have the freedom of choice. The best thing that you can implement – is to realize themselves through their choices, which will determine the direction of your life. Natural state (genes) and external factors (education, people around you) have a great impact on you, but they do not determine your destiny. Your destiny is self-determined through your choice! In addition to this, You have the opportunity to choose their reaction to everything that happens to you. Stephen R. Covey talks about the space that exists between cause and reaction. This is the place where your freedom of choice.

This is the place to be change its size depending on what is happening, but it's always there! Thus, you always have freedom of choice. 2. Trust, but verify Many people blindly accept what they say powerful people (politicians, religious leaders and teachers / mentors). You should always use your brain and mind that would determine the accuracy of the information. I'm not sure I can explain this point better than Timothy Leary: Throughout human history our species has faced a frightening, terrorizing fact that we do not know who we are or where we descend into the ocean of chaos.

There are influential people (political, religious) who are trying to reassure us, establishing rules, norms of behavior, forming in our minds eye to reality. 3. Perhaps tomorrow you will die Many people have dreams that they lay in a distant box until an unspecified time.

Body Slender

There are many tricks to burn fat quick and easy that you can use. Here we bring you just a few. The first is to eat fruits and vegetables. You can take fruit as collation, mid-morning and mid-afternoon, and vegetables at meals. This form helps your intestines to cleanse your body due to the large number of fibres that possess, in addition to more calories are needed to digest that which you provide, what helps to lose weight.

Another good tricks for fat burning is to drink 2 liters of water per day. In this way we help the kidneys to purify our body through urine. Fasting is one of the myths that you must forget. When completing the fast will eat more to satiate the hunger, and your body much more quickly assimilate what you eat. In this way, you’ll get just the opposite to the desired effect. Overeating also has the same effect. One of the best tips to burn fat and not get up to eat in the morning is dinner carbohydrate. You can get noodles of durum wheat with a spoonful of oil (crude oil) and cheese.

In this way you will feel satisfied and you will sleep better. You should eat meat three times a week to not lose protein, but it is recommended that either chicken or fish because they are lean meats, and if they can be baked or grilled, much better. Aerobic exercises are inevitably the best tips to burn fat. With 15 minutes every other day supplementing your diet you will see that it is enough to lose weight. If you do not like going to a gym, you can dance or go out and ride a bike. You must find a way to keep you motivated and not bored: are the unique ways in which you do not desistiras lose weight. There is a guaranteed way to burn body fat quickly. If you find yourself in a State of despair at losing weight, the following message is the most important thing that you read. Now Click here.