Monthly Archive: January 2014

The Opposite

This concept is not limited to sexual feelings and behavior by itself, and it is not synonymous with the libido in the broadest sense, which is invested in him by Freud. Psychosexual development – one aspect of ontogeny is closely associated with common biological organism's development, particularly sexual maturation, and future changes in sexual function. If you do not consider prenatal period, it begins with the formation of sexual identity baby, with a crucial role in this process is played by adults. Defining passport sex baby, parents and other adults are beginning to teach a child to sexual role, by showing them what it means to be a boy or a girl. Awareness of their gender, the child has already formed to 1,5 years, constituting the most stable, the core element of its identity. In 3-4 years the child has already consciously distinguishes the floor of surrounding people, but often associates it with a purely external signs, such as clothes, and admits the fundamental reversibility, the ability to change sex. In 6-7 years the child finally understands irreversibility of sex, which coincides with the rapid increase in sexual differentiation of behavior and attitudes, boys and girls on their own initiative choose different games and partners in them, show different interests, style of behavior. In addition to parents, a critical agent of sexual socialization is the society of their peers as well as the opposite sex. Estimating the constitution and the child's behavior in light of its own, much more severe than in adults, the criteria of masculinity / femininity, peers, thus confirm, strengthen, or conversely, raise questions about his sexual identity and sex-role orientation.

Changes And Changes

Changes and changes The sensation not to have more love in its return, to have anger the all moment and above all to see that already she does not have nobody its side, as I feel homesickness of the time of the friends, of the time that my bigger concern was my notes in the school, was that duty of decided mathematics the time that my heart did not bleed in such a way and in infancy I badly could wait to grow, but never I did not imagine that he would be so painful and complicated, everything turned reason tears and at the same time the people want that you she faces all and any type of problem with a pretty smile and you only wants power to arrive in house and that everything was so simple as before, simple as to arrive in house and to bind to the TV in su favourite drawing, to take a milk cup with biscuit and when something you to magoar or you to simply hurt itself to pro run arm of its ready mother and everything this decided, therefore is wanted friend, feels saying in you, but the things they had moved, you grew and not only the responsibilities had increased as you had that to learn to coexist pains and emotions go up to around that you, to learn I cry to swallow it. As much that you found that they would be perpetual, but had not been, those that had spoken above all that always they would be with you when needed today only they say ' ' It forgives I am ocupado' ' , and thus the life goes moving away goes you from these and from presenting others that will make the same, and you cannot to make nothing, therefore this was its choice, very sentimental being and to choose to be worried about the others, but you go a newness here pra, the people always to magoar you go you, more and more, therefore those that more are imported are those that more are magoam.. .