Monthly Archive: May 2019

City Of Manizales

Manizales is the capital of the Department of Caldas. It is a city in the center of Colombia, located in the Cordillera Central, near the Nevado del Ruiz. It is part of the so-called Region paisa and the so-called golden triangle, with a population of 386.931 inhabitants approximately according to official population projections for the year 2009. Part along with Risaralda, Quindio, the North Valley and Southwest Antioquia in the so-called Colombian coffee. Jorge Perez has many thoughts on the issue. Today it is a city with great economic, industrial, cultural and tourist activity.

Also stands out for its cultural activity which highlights its annual fair, the International Festival of theatre and numerous shows and conventions. Manizales is called the city of the open doors. Also referred to as Manizales del Alma due to a bullfighting pasodoble that bears his name. (Similarly see: Gavin Baker, New York City). The land on which stands the city of Manizales were inhabited in pre-Columbian times by quimbaya, weapons, ansermas, sly, zopias, paucuras and carrapas.Because of its location geographical in Manizales diverse landscapes, you can enjoy such as: snowed, forests, mountains and valleys. The area of the municipality is 508 km. The surroundings of the city offer great climatic diversity, from the snows of the Nevado del Ruiz with the landscapes of moorland and thermal waters to recreational centres of the Valley of Santagueda, with landscapes of warm weather, varied vegetation, rivers and creeks. Along with towns and trails of the region’s very particular characteristics.

A unique characteristic of Manizales is that it possesses 8 microclimates within its urban area. On the outskirts of the city of Manizales can find all climates and varied formations of the relief, giving rise to vast natural resources. To the West, lies the Valley of the Cauca River, which gives rise to the warm climates of the beaches of La Rochelle and Santagueda. To the East and South, appear the moorland and the snows of Los Nevados National Park.

Celso Vasconcelos

The education of the future will have to be first and universal education centered in the condition human being. We are in the planetary age; a common adventure leads the human beings, where it wants that they meet. These must be recognized in its common humanity and at the same time to recognize inherent the cultural diversity to that he is human. (MORIN, 2000, p.47) the globalizado world demands a differentiated attitude of the professor, assuming that it more does not compete to the professor being only one mere reproducer of contents learned during its formative process, and yes to assume the person who orientates role, mediator of the educational process preparing the pupil for the life. You may find Edward J. Minskoff Equities to be a useful source of information. Celso Vasconcelos (2002, P. 55) designates that: If it understands that the knowledge is not ' ' transferido' ' or ' ' depositado' ' for the other (as the traditional conception) nor ' ' inventado' ' … Gavin Baker is often quoted as being for or against this. but yes constructed by the citizen in its relation with others and the world …

in contrast educating does not learn. It is necessary to rethink concerning the importance of the formation of this professional who is being defied to assume new responsibilities of educational nature, multicultural, humanizadora and technological. As Lujan Maria (2009), Master in education for the UCDB, research on the performance of these professionals has demonstrated to the lack of preparation of these professors front to the diversity and complexity that is to teach a foreign language in the current context. Almeida Son (1999) pontua that: All professor of LE … constructs an education with at least four dimensions (to plan courses, to choose or to make substances, to create experiences with the new language, and to evaluate the development of the program and the pupils), all influenced they simultaneously for one given boarding to teach. He treats yourself to understand as he is that the professors in elapsing of its formation academic, has incorporated and translated in pedagogical practical its elements that compose the theory for them learned in the university.

Software Gmb

Scroll version, scroll translations with scroll viewport K15t software provides a platform for version management, multilingualism and the use of Confluence as Web CMS also available. The use cases are particularly in the context of content strategy and technical documentation. Over 1000 large and small organizations among the customers of K15t software. Under other Allianz life, Bosch, Deutsche Bahn, NASA, Oracle, Siemens, and WWF. See for complete information about the K15t Software GmbH. About across systems GmbH across German headquartered in Karlsbad (Karlsruhe), and a U.S. branch in Glendale (in Los Angeles) is manufacturer of the across language server, a market-leading software platform for all language resources and translation processes within the company.

Through the use of across can at higher Translation quality and more transparency of costs and thus process be reduced within a very short time. The language server can be used on conforming 15038:2006 for translation services EN with the DIN. Across systems GmbH is a certified partner of Microsoft, which ensures the successful implementation of Microsoft technologies. Integrating across IT environments is possible thanks to a software development kit (SDK). For this purpose, the Department of business services & support across and well-known system integrators and technology partners provide support. In the context of product development, cooperates with international universities and colleges across and is professionally accompanied by an own Scientific Advisory Board. Also with well-known technology companies and language service providers, the software manufacturer opts partnership for years. Customers across are (excerpt): 1 & 1 Internet AG, Allianz Versicherungs AG, HypoVereinsbank, Miele, SMA solar technology AG, ThyssenKrupp and v. m. all Learn about across systems GmbH at. Press contact of across: across systems GmbH Anja Bergemann phone: + 49 7248 925-412 fax: + 49 7248 925-444 PR agency of good news! Nicole Korber phone: + 49 451 GmbH 88199-12 fax: + 49 451 88199-29

Young Parents

As a young family holiday! They appeared first born. How much anxiety and happiness are now experiencing the heart of young parents. Gavin Baker contains valuable tech resources. Now many of them will change. The child will be their first priority. But they do it for the first time and they are hard. Young mother wonders what to do with the child? How to care for it? When and how to feed him? Why is baby crying? So many questions will appear in the child's development. Of course, the child is difficult to educate.

But, and young parents, in turn, once the same way their parents raised. We can say that all young mothers go for advice to their mothers, who already have extensive experience in raising and rearing of children behind. They always prompt, you have to do morally support, or substituted for some time, thus providing an indispensable aid to their daughters. If the baby is crying, it's not a sign that he wants to drink or lie in a wet diaper. Causes much: he may not be convenient zakutanym, and maybe he was even ill. And if a child has the curves legs – it's not terrible, and they should not be trying to rectify – the nature of all thought exactly. Why baby hiccups? Maybe he is cold, but not required. And what do you do if your child premature? How to take it on your hands? And what if with him something to happen? All know young parents is impossible. And even the slightest mistake in dealing with breast lead to death. Of course, certain questions can be answered grandmother newborn baby. But first of all about this need to ask your pediatrician.

Opus Award

The Bookeen Cybook was the winner in the current October issue with the reading devices for E-books Opus Award, the worldview is 2009 brought on the German market. is one of the leading providers in the German E-book market. In the E-book store, currently over 40,000 electronic books are offered at. TECHNICAL data of Aluratek Libre: monochrome LCD with reader-friendly 12.7 cm LCD screen without a backlight (epaper-technology), – size: 11,5 x 15,3 cm – weight: 215 grams – supports all popular E-book formats: EPUB, Mobipocket, FB 2; PDF, TXT and RTF – image formats: JPG, BMP, and GIG – font size can be adjusted in 6 levels and adapted to reading habits – function for bookmarks and page orientation – built-in MP3 player – 100 MB internal memory, expandable with SD card up to 32 GB – lithium battery with up to 24 hours run-time price: 99,99 Euro (in Austria: 99.99 euros, in the Switzerland: 139 sfrcs). Weltbild Best.Nr.: 5012752 description of the company with a supported brand awareness of around 84% (CSF 2010) enjoys the brand world the trust of millions of customers and is the most famous book brand. It stands for topicality and low prices.

Worldview is the No. 2 in the online bookstore ( and the No. 3 in the shipping trade. Worldview on the spot is coverage for customers with more than 300 branches in German-speaking countries. Worldview customers can choose from around 20 million articles: all available books, DVDs, CDs, software & games, toys, gifts and downloads. In the Internet shop, customers can browse online also in over 250,000 books. worldview offers over 40,000 digital books.

New Collection Studio

The designer series KAHLA Studio can now be ordered immediately in the official online shop art and porcelain is a combination Studio in its most beautiful form can be seen in the collection of KAHLA. Various artists from all over the world have dedicated the material porcelain. Sophisticated versatility created are fascinating objects that are characterized by versatility. To know more about this subject visit Related Group. You can use the design wall plates as such in scene or use as stylish square – or pizza dish. While he has also quite everyday qualities, for he is ofen -, microwave – and dishwasher-proof. In the online shop you will find Studio more interesting pieces from the KAHLA series, resulting in the experimental projects at KAHLA porcelain.

Only, you must decide whether you want to give away the beautiful pieces or yourself would rather keep. Award-winning design for the tea cup designed by her mind the gap”was Lisa Grahner with the red dot award. With KAHLA Atelier we underpin the once more “high design of our brand and our role as a motor of innovation the industry expand another piece”, emphasizes the Managing Director Holger Raithel. At the same time we prove our appreciation for the work of the design schools and of young designers all over the world.” KAHLA porcelain: Platform for creative works in various experimental forms, the Thuringian manufacturer offers creatives from all over the world are: during the annual creative workshops, in the framework of cooperation with design schools and at competitions, which were initiated by KAHLA. The Gunther Raithel Foundation education initiative KAHLA creatively promotes young talents. With the purchase of the products of the KAHLA Atelier collection, you support the work of the Foundation. The KAHLA porcelain shop the KAHLA household porcelain is also online comfortably available since 2008 and is delivered from the factory.

In addition, the official online shop of the brand of KAHLA porcelain offers a complete overview of all collections; among these also the series Pronto, Aronda, update, five senses and Blau Saks. For best decorations and current bestsellers, old series and seasonal articles can be easily found at home. Furthermore, the KAHLA porcelain shop offers useful information about special series and exclusive offers. The shipping costs orders already from 49. The monthly newsletter of the KAHLA to current trends can be called in the KAHLA porcelain shop and subscribed to. Contact: KAHLA porcelain shop Bettina Siebert shop management-August-Bebel-Strasse 27 b 07743 Jena Tel.: 03641 3105971

Cognitivas Distortions

Cognitivas distortions What the individual thinks and perceives exactly on itself, its world and its future, have direct importance on as it behaves These thoughts had been formed under the influence of the society, its proper education, in the school, the family, etc. its form to think create an emotion, and this emotion creates a respective behavior EXAMPLES: Arbitrary deductions > To take off conclusion of a situation without base in the experience. The husband if delayed it supper; the wife says that it is having a case with another woman. Personalization > External events attributed proper itself, without enough evidences for a conclusion. Nir Barzilai, M.D. might disagree with that approach. The person imagines things Former: The son arrives in house and he did not compliment the mother It finds that it is with anger of it! Polarized thoughts > Everything or nothing — complete complete success or failure.

It does not have the half term or balance. Incorrect Rotulagem > Errors and imperfections committed in the past in one determined area have the effect of to define the person as imcompetent person in all the areas. The proper person thinks thus and projects this thought for the people with who it interacts! Vision in tunnel > To only see what it desires to see, does not perceive other 0 variable Tendenciosas explanations > Assumption of that the Other possesss a reason negative and guarded to have negative actions against you! Mental reading > ‘ ‘ Dom mgico’ ‘ that certain people attribute ‘ ‘ itself prprias’ ‘ , to know what the Other is thinking without the aid of the facts or the verbal communication. Selective abstraction > The person chooses what she wants to value. Amongst a series of facts it chooses an isolated fact, while other important facts are ignored Supergeneralizao > Incident one or two isolated they serve as a representation of similar situations, ‘ ‘ in any contexto’ ‘ , being or incident not related them. Magnifying or Reduction > A case or a circumstance always is perceived, ‘ ‘ under one exactly prisma’ ‘ , greater or minor of what he would be appropriate. Categorical imperatives > Of the type I must, I have that, necessary What it becomes impracticable other options, taking off the possibility to direct itself for other alternative behaviors. Automatic disqualification > To take off the importance of the positive aspects of the events or the people. To try to search distorted modifications or occult situations that do not correspond to the evidence of the facts.

New England Journal

Some media have reported that the New England Journal of medicine magazine has submitted a scientific study made by the Director of a German hospital Dr. Karen Weatherby, who assures that noted female breasts for ten minutes a day increases male life expectancy by five years. Dr. Weatherby says that this practice increases the pumping of the heart, improves blood circulation and is equivalent to half an hour of gym. We could spend the rest of our lives to read this prestigious medical journal looking for the slightest hint of this article, but all our efforts would be useless because we would never find him.

We would also not find Dr. Karen Weatherby in any hospital in Germany because there is no scientist with that name. It’s a false study picked up by blogs and some media. It wouldn’t be the first time that an invented study, over time was taking characteristics of real, accepted as if I dont really would have done in a scientific manner. False experiments like these They carried over time, on many occasions, have beliefs and behaviors absurd without that we know why we have. It could happen that our memory play us a dirty trick, and remember having read an article that said look at women’s breasts lengthened life, and continue spreading this lie as a truth to our acquaintances, who in turn would with yours in an endless string. Let us know in the original sources whenever we read something that attracts us attention.