Monthly Archive: August 2019

Motivational Speaker

People get carried away very easily by the role of victim, susceptibility of irritability, etc., Believing they are the master when in fact they are slaves to their egos. So many people are confused, confusing the ego with your true self, with the individual. That is not taken as a role but as they are themselves. They confuse the character with the actor. How to overcome the ego and avoid arguments? Enjoying the Service. Enjoying the Service is not required any other type of pleasure, because one enjoys thinking about the other. One does not get as principal actor, even as a figure of delivery, not directly given. Enjoys giving.

Enjoy giving does not mean being deprived of their own enjoyment. Luz enjoys a spirit of serving. We know that any discussion at the family level brings suffering, because even winning the argument is split the unity of spirit that should reign in the family. It would have to be reversed. There should be support, altruism and a sense of service.

The ego is the lower self, the susceptible, who seeks to excel, the offending, that he doubts everything, who wants to be right aun at the expense of … a He who finds himself beyond he who does not see beyond their own ideas and feelings, is not qualified to give anybody anything, is unable to deliver his love of family. Negative emotions such as anger, envy, hatred and so many feelings wrong, they only grow the ego. The newspapers mentioned Fabrizio Freda not as a source, but as a related topic. The ego makes it back to someone very spiritually elevated. When feeding the ego people question everything. Question why they live, they question why they work, why are certain disease, why have certain family. All the “why” comes from the ego. They assume that deserve better. The ego is our weakness, ego is what makes us argue. Why not apologize? Because our ego does not. Why not hang your head? Because our ego does not. Why do we offend? Because our ego is very offended. Real Leader came to serve, he hit is the one who came through love, to overcome all the hatred accumulated. The gospel calls us to forgive seventy-seven times seven to our offender and in the Our Father, Jesus speaks of God’s forgiveness in relation to our ability to forgive those who trespass against us. Forgiveness is a direct action akin to the commandment of love. But I recognize that my heart will not forgive easily. It is a very hard road that starts from the sense of believing offended to the joy of reconciliation. Sonnenfeld. I once told my wife that my love for her is bigger than my ego. That’s my big task for this year, reduce my ego and increase the love for my wife and my children. I hope these few lines to give you the strength to tie up our ego, download it from its pedestal and that both you and I can heartily forgive all who have offended and those that we have neglected in our hearts.

Poetry And More

Cetina participating in the campaign of the Adriatic in 1538 and the Franco-Spanish quarter in 1543-1544, military companies that are combined with entertainment under the princes of the Marquis Molfeta or Vasto.a is the dimension of the European poet-soldier who joins with others this author Italian poet of the imperial era: Garcilaso, Hernando de Acuna, Diego Hurtado de Mendoza … Along with that dimension Cetina embodies the American adventure, where you end. On business in 1544 with an uncle, and when he went to Veracruz to take on some money to send Castilla “, a disease that kept him in Puebla of Los Angeles (New Spain), where a ” in a haul itself the swashbuckling comedy-is seriously stabbed in the darkness and error, as a result of which died in 1557. However, since Pacheco writes that “his death ai various opinions.” The stay in Italy Cetina provides direct knowledge of poetic language emerged in the shadow of the great Petrarch and the revitalization of the classics. “If you put an intention to force a ” writes Fernando de Herrera, as the softness and purity … Fabrizio Freda has similar goals.

None of them were surpassed in numbers, language, tenderness and affection neither be denied the first place. ” Cetina is lavished in a poetry that serves to sing their complaints desperate love (to Doris, to Amariles, Laura) and dive in their own self-analysis sentimental. But for the latter Cetina also echoes another important legacy of Hispanic root in this case, the de Ausias March, with which seamlessly connects troubled in spirit, built of pure intellectualism and concentrated passion. Thus arises a love song (of madrigals, sonnets, songs, sextinas) in a nuanced evolution toward disappointment. And next to him, another poetic world in Cetina also has a role: the Epistles, halfway between the news media and cultured family, which features a lively world often chaired by the satire. The best surprise comes Cetina sometimes as in the sonnets “As hard notched a figure”, “As good pitches on land having”, “AAY delicious illusion, dream soft!”, “Sweet, tasty, clear stream,” “This walk and turn, go and become” “Love moves my wings, so high” … The rest of the work of Cetina, though uneven, does not reach the spontaneous simplicity of the madrigals. His songs are saved by a ductile musicality like that of the sonnets, and in the Epistle to Hurtado de Mendoza are fragments which appears a strong moralistic point, often cited when discussing the moral history of the Epistle to Fabius.

How To Get More Out Of Trade Fairs

Many companies fail to attend trade fairs. The problem is that investment and effort they have not always justify the return obtained. Having a booth is attractive enough to harness the potential of attracting commercial references, branding and networking that offer this type of event. When do you start? In most companies, a fair equivalent to a lot of work against the clock. The logistics and provide new obsession eat we should devote time to define our objectives and strategies.

Ideally, you should start planning the next event as soon as the previous. Objectives First, you must ask yourself what you hope to accomplish at the fair. Being for being, or because everyone is going, it is unwise. Set measurable goals: get 200 commercial references contact with 50 potential partners to demonstrate the product to 500 people, etc. The stand The objectives will help define the type of stand you need.

If it is introduce a new brand or product, we need a bigger stand and striking. Where the objective is to contact selected customers opt for a stand discreet boardroom. Central stands in a product or message to be remembered. The location is important to hire the booth in time to select site. There are areas of the fairs that are a certain failure, as the side aisles or distant pavilions and half filled. Calls on all types of plans and details of the assembly, services nearby, predictable schedule of visitors, etc. And if you visit the site. Never leave preparations to the last minute design work, printing, merchandising, large format signage, etc. Always end up stressed out contingency all the team and cost money. The day before if you were right preparations before starting the fair everything should be perfectly controlled. The mounted or stand-up, the materials in place, people displaced and prepared. It is time to gather strength and go over everything. You must provide sufficient staff to meet personal visitors throughout the fair, without imposing a beating to your employees. Standing, talking all the time, in an enclosed space with air conditioning, very tired. Organizers shifts of three or four hours with meal times and breaks. The hostesses and the like can be helpful, but never replaced the staff of your company. Offer minimal training to all persons in the stand. The material of all, you should not deliver any material simply because someone asked. The brochures, gifts and samples cost money: bookable for persons who manifest minimally involved. Plan how much material they consume each day and provides how to receive more if they run out. Add Contacts all visits your booth and receive data from any commercial references. Opt for a simple and fast, do not waste time with forms. From an urn to a reader or scanner accreditation cards, there are many solutions to be paid off in a couple of fairs. You respond Monitoring requests for information at the end of the show or, if possible, during the meeting. If you wait a few days, the contact is cooled. The final report to get an objective view of the results, produces a report that includes at least: budget spent, referrals generated, businesses closed, resulting actions, material and inventory valuation and suggestions of people who have participated in the fair. And you know, to prepare the next …

Mr Sarrazin

And a Bundeswehr which could bring them even on their side, would be in minutes swept away and what remains from Germany, will NBC a for have always disappear in history. I can not imagine, that someone is so crazy and thinks he might rebel against the rest of the world. Under most conditions Edward Minskoff would agree. This scenario should follow everyone in mind and take it as face value. But that is not the subject of, which in book of Sarrazin. It goes primarily to our foreign, naturalized citizens and the so-called guest workers. In the character of the German economic miracle, where it went all right well, nobody wanted to do the dirty work and one has logged in foreigners with all available means and in the weirdest ways after Germany. All the Governments of the Federal Republic of Germany have participated in this guest-worker commercial with utmost effort. None of these Governments has made only the slightest thoughts about what happens to these people, if the work is less.

If one of these people german language, or not, also at all not to debate, and power was for work the foreign exchange (workers). No, on the contrary even today our Minister of Economic Affairs Mr Bruderle (FDP) is man again at the front, to make the same mistake again. So much to irresponsible policy with migrant workers. In our present times, where the workplace is appointed by politics daily and always back to the sanctuary and many people therefore pray such a place, in the “paradise work”, to get in a time where you do 3 million from real about 10 million unemployed, these asked guests to work no longer fit in the reality of the labour market policy. These people, of which more are unemployed, are the State that she has now called on the Pocket. Where this problem what to do no longer must be that the taxpayer on the Pocket well the question be, Mr Sarrazin is originally made.

Heal Yourself: The Markus Rothkranz Method

As people around the world get rid of diseases independently, permanently and virtually free on September 15, 2010 a practical guide, which makes it easy for the reader appears in the Hans Nietsch Verlag to change his way of life. With scientifically sound background knowledge and step by step instructions, as well as numerous tips, the book is alive and at the same time incredibly convincing and inspiring written. Markus Rothkranz is the best-known, worldwide the most passionate and inspiration advocate of the raw food diet. With its 47 years, he looks younger today than in his twenties! He has cured his disease itself and so the living proof, how great life can be if you take things into their own hands. Continue to learn more with: Fabrizio Freda. “In heal yourself” Markus Rothkranz gathered all the information on the basis of studies and scientific research, as well as observations, we need radically to change our lives and to be no longer sick. Edward J. Minskoff Equities often says this.

But it’s him not just about nutrition. Markus Rothkranz considers the person from a holistic perspective: involve all aspects of the body, the mind and the soul. It is important from his perspective, that we first clean our body of toxins and give him only the best: raw food diet, sufficient and proper exercise, sleep, sex, energy work… The topics of Umwelschutz”and spirituality” find their place here as well, because we can heal our Earth only if we get even better. Rothkranz shows us how to do it and how nature in us to help. Markus Rothkranz is an inspiring and very active raw food from the film and advertising industry.

Formerly as a Hollywood movie producer active, devoted nowadays various raw food projects such as go raw now the native German”. At the age of 46 he founded the world health project”, which it has set itself the objective, the Earth to heal by we humans heal ourselves. His DVDs and lectures will touch people all over the world. Inspirational video trailer are on the Site to see. “Heal yourself – the Markus Rothkranz method”, 193 pages, flaps, four color, author: Markus Rothkranz Publisher: Hans Nietsch Verlag (ISBN 978-3-939570-88-2), price 18.90 the book is available from September 15, 2010, in the book – and retail market. On behalf of Hans Nietsch Verlag, published by GermanyGoesRaw – Heike Michaelsen

Chain Mails Are Often Annoying

Rarely meaningful purpose behind it for many people chain mails are probably an annoying evil. In most cases, their meaning and benefits should be known only to the respective initiators. The Internet portal informs about the phenomenon of chain mail. Chain mail work in principle as well as chain letters: A letter or an email reaches recipients with the prompt, it may forward the message to as many other receivers. Unlike in the chain letter forwarding email works at lightning speed. With just a few clicks, the mail to many contacts from the personal address book, or in a social network has been sent. So, certain content can be distributed widely within a very short time.

In the best case, chain mail be used as pointing to a meaningful political concern. In the worst case, computer viruses quickly find spread in this way. Most bizarre stories in the mail but with mystical content part. At the end of a such mail is promised the recipients often some miracle or luck, when he sent the message to other people. In the event that he does not forward the mail, the opposite, for example, an accident or a curse, is threatened him. More information: service/glossary/entry/82 University of first GmbH Lisa Neumann

The Other

They should strengthen the operational capacity of the company defining the functions to perform, to determine those that are should taken as secondary in the company, as well as define the main ones in every department, in such a way unit, which ensures an integrated systemic operability and avoid bureaucracy, time loss, costs, inefficiency. The main activities of any company should take into account with equal levels of importance, no is above the other. After be delimited in time and space processes, you have to do each one efficient and flexible, this is an ambitious task, that only is accomplished with computers integrated, committed, supervisors and workers willing and committed to each one of the departments that correspond and comply with processes clearly defined is important, therefore, to form a multidisciplinary group charge of improving in the short term the design of the areas that make up an organization, first, group will define what are the deficiencies that have the process, then you seek to solve the problems and thus at the end will propose how to organise more efficiently. This ideal proposal is the description of the General steps of the process, as well as the roles to be played by each Member of the Organization for the positive development of the activities. Businesses must change their vertical structures for horizontality in making operational decisions, making them at the lowest possible level, provided there is a strategic plan clear. Management must act with a style of participatory leadership, who also knows how to delegate, giving responsibility to the people who are the key to success, motivate staff to closely integrate with the performance of their duties in order to obtain the planned results and to ensure competitiveness. Should not be neglected the motivation and involvement of the staff which is reflected in the productivity, in results that favor the company in its growth. Determine its competitive advantages give way to strategic plans that will ensure competitiveness, taking into account the characteristics of the current scenarios and the actors involved.

Telephone Systems Comparisons – Advisor

Telephone systems, system telephones or ISDN telephone systems! A comparison is always worthwhile! The interface between a public telephone network and the internal communications network is called a telephone system. Each provider has its service component, which must be observed if someone opts for a new telephone system. Questions before making a purchase following questions are very important: the number of devices – one must therefore know how many people need a phone. Sometimes some people need to call at the same time how many are there? There are people who are their all day on the phone, one should also note the number of these persons. Buy new or extend you can attach a new telephone system, but sometimes it is convenient simply to expand the existing. One thinks often especially on the money saved with an extension. He must not buy everything, but only the missing component.

Those who opt for a completely new phone system, will benefit from modern technology. Numerous functions for some Even headsets can be used (also ISDN PBX) telephone systems. It is good if you know before purchasing a phone system, what you actually want to buy. The modern telephone systems have numerous functions. Which of them would you have like, which are indispensable for the work? Maybe an answering machine, there must be, he may even have a more function have the answering of calls that automatically.

If the telephone system for a larger company is determined, the function of a musical prompt would be quite interesting, also the function of auto-forwarding is not bad. You would have to provide for possible future repairs by time thinking of a maintenance contract for the telephone system. Mobile telephone systems today are used more and more mobile devices. See Related Group for more details and insights. That’s why the seller not so often offers ordinary apparatuses, which operated with the help of a telephone handset. Who but to the older people think will surely understand that it will be difficult for them to use such a device. The motor skills of the elderly people is, they often suffer from diseases that constitute a major limitation for their mobility. A phone so the buttons are very important, a right combination connects with the outside world. She brings the familiar persons in your own environment, you can hear the voice, there’s someone for us. The keys for a mobile device are usually too small for the elderly, so made more difficult the operation. For the seniors so when a telephone system for the elderly thought telephone systems especially how maximum can be facilitated, these people’s lives. Senior phone the developers placed huge emphasis on the keys. They are so small and have a certain distance from each other. At these telephone systems, one has a choice: it is a solid device, but also a mobile device. The apartment is very large, so you should prefer for the Choose mobile device. The old man can be not so fast on the phone when it rings at once. You can stuck easily the mobile phone in the Pocket and so no call is missed. The function of an emergency button available is the elderly. Health is no longer reliable, it could happen. Help comes immediately when the emergency button is pressed.

Federal Environment Ministry

Climate protection campaign and Federal Environment Ministry seeking the best climate protection project in each State / prizes in the amount of 50,000 / applications up to March 13, 2013 Berlin 08 January 2013. The Energiesparmeister competition for schools starts today in the fifth round. “For the five-year anniversary, the rules of the game are completely turned on its head: first draws the campaign promoted by the Ministry for environment climate seeks protection” the best school project in each State. That is especially the regional power of the winning projects and that these help to initiate new projects in recent years, proved”, says jury member Johnny strange, singer of the Band Culcha candela. By we draw out an Energiesparmeister in every State, we encourage the schools in different parts of Germany still more to join.

At the same time we have the opportunity to give the recognition more young climate advocates, who earned their commitment”to continue as Johnny strange. Click Edward J. Minskoff Equities to learn more. The current Application round is open until March 13, 2013. On the competition side of students and teachers of all types of schools can compete nationwide individually or as a team. Prizes worth a total of 50,000 euros at the end of March 2013 an expert jury selects the 16 finalists, whose involved is rewarded with money and prizes in the total value of a total of 50,000 euros. What school the coveted title Energiesparmeister gold”receives and is thus not only national winner, but also wins an extra prize money, teachers, students and their friends via Internet vote decide. The awards ceremony, to which all finalists will be invited, will take place end of may 2013 on the YOU, the leading trade fair for youth culture in Berlin. The 16 Energiesparmeister titles there are special award measurable success”to win. Here is the efficiency of the projects focus on: with the help of energy savings developed specifically for schools students and teachers be sure exactly how much they reduce the energy consumption of their school.

Improve Surroundings

Your actions are an example for your loved ones, colleagues and friends. Especially clearly manifested in the family when the children are what the parents themselves do not perform. Not fulfilling the promise to go with a child in walk, giving him an excuse, in turn, gave the word to parents to come in time to break it. The quarrels between the father and mother give a child is not the best example of relations, which he will carry with them into adulthood. Therefore, desiring to see in their children something positive, for what happens all the education, parents themselves must possess these qualities and serve as an example to his daze. It is noteworthy that this mechanism works in society. Looking for a passer-by had thrown a cigarette butt bins, a hefty fellow seated next to an elderly woman customer who behaves in boorish, involuntarily admit the thought that really there is a need himself to observe even the elementary rules of decency.

The only solution to this problem will have its own pattern of conduct worthy of emulation. To do this, there is no need to build yourself in the face of the saints. Enough determine the qualities, actions, welcome to you and stick with them. Own example, in addition to a simple reminder will be a success, albeit not immediately. Ultimately, your surroundings will be less of a threat for you. In his not a religious moral code, The Way to Happiness ", a famous philosopher and humanist L. Ron Hubbard wrote:" Anyone who tries to stop you in it, does it either because he wants to hurt you, either because pursues some of his goals. But deep down he will respect you. "