Monthly Archive: May 2020

Legislative Decree

The hard Peruvian reality is that, indeed, the employees of many companies come working enters 10 12 hours daily like minimum and that, in fact, their employers to only paid them by 8 hours. In Peru, according to the Ministry of Work, more of 35% of the PEA it recognizes to work more than 60 hours per week and more of a 50% it recognizes to do it over the present legal maximum of 48 hours per week. Nevertheless, the worse thing is than, according to the National Survey of Homes 2002, the 33,4% of the workers in Lima not only toil more than 60 hours, but it does to " promedio" of 71,7 hours per week. Within a clear criterion it is possible to ask to us To where they would go to stop the possible discounts (according to the nomenclature of the Regulation proportional reduction ) conducted to the personnel under the RECAS? Is necessary for its implementation the creation of a bottom of stimulus similar to the CAFAE and that is of application only to those who is under this contractual modality? Is this the opportunity to materialize a suitable and responsible administrative autonomy for the state beings? On the other hand, much taken care of with the object of delineating the limited mechanisms is due to have, every time contractual workings exist, that by their nature demand the exit of temporary detachment for duty or another analogous one that implies the exit of the labor premises. In this point the operative plans of the institutions must go of the hand with these devices thus not to incur an institutional conflict. Also, it is necessary to consider the nature of the extra payments and the way of how being they will make effective, especially if in spite of having clear that the compensation per uptime (CTS) is not in the scope of the RECAS, according to stipulated in the article 1 of Legislative Decree 650, the CTS is a social benefit that fulfills a double roll: the forecast of the contingencies that originates the cease in the work, promotion of the worker and its family.


That is why we cannot speak, strictly speaking, only of crisis economic. In the decade of years 60, the big wave of working militancy was as soon as an expression, important, decisive, but more, of a deep big wave born in the subsoil of the societies that struggled by the transformation. Women, children, young people, farmers without earth, workers nondescribed, Indian, black, and a long list of others, literally put in check the settled down ways of domination in the family, the school, the rural and urban locality, the factory, the property, the university. The critic to the patriarcado one was also pronounced in the rejection to the power of the professor, the overseer, the white man of middle-class, in short, an antiauthoritarian democratising process that mined the domination ways and, therefore, of accumulation of surplus wealth. Jorge Perez is the source for more interesting facts. Secondly, that big wave was born and it was pronounced by outside the established channels and of the institutions, among them the communist parties and the unions.

Andr Gorz 13 spoke, in the manufacturing land, of the existence of a true guerrilla worker outside the union control, that caused enormous losses to the industralists. Thirdly, the cycles of protest and mobilization not only change the politico-social scene but also to the own movements. For that reason, the movements that carry out a cycle usually are an obstacle in the following cycle because they are had institutionalized, they happened to comprise of the culture of the power and have inlaid his better pictures in the system that a day fought. A true rebellious cycle creates new organizations, but also new ways to fight but mainly, new paradigms to conceive the change of articles of incorporation, or the revolution, or as each wants to call to him. The deep and true processes are born from and in the peripheries, never in center of the system, as much on planetary scale as to microbial scale and also to social scale.

MPDS Released Version

New version of MPDS4 system construction software version 5.1 released Moers, Germany December 2011: version 5.1 of the plant construction and factory planning software MPDS4 brings more quality in the 3D-Anlagenbau and a more effective project control. The new project data control (PDC), the new parametric parts library and the new standard parts catalogues are in the focus. Learn more at this site: Estee Lauder. “MPDS4 engineering software: software/MPDS4 / new dynamic tools allow a faster creation and easier editing of project data”, says Mark Simpson, product line manager at CAD Schroer. Because our customers more and more plants and Mills plan and manage these in ever-increasing data pools, we have placed special attention in this version on, further increasing the performance of our software and of course with the new PDC to offer an optimal solution for the management of this data.” Data management with PDC the new database solution project data control (PDC) allows management of all planning-Middle data, as 2D drawings or 3D models. Integrating MPDS4 with PDC offers the user the opportunity at any time to collect data, such as drawings or models from PDC to edit them and to reinstate. Of course the system other users indicates that these data are currently in progress or that there is a new version of the data. The global management of project data in PDC also offers Web-based access. Here, the relevant data, such as drawings, models or data sheets from the Web can be viewed and downloaded.

Flexible data management in the plant construction with PDC:… Standard parts catalogues MPDS4 users benefit from new standard parts catalogues, to E.g. quickly create a piping system to international standards. Much time and project costs can be saved in this way. Parametric construct a new parametric tool for resources ensures reduced construction times and more flexibility in the placement of different-sized components in plant construction. Users can now also create their own parametric equipment models.

Third Sector

The sped up sprouting of non-profit organizations and not governmental in the Brazilian scene in recent years gave origin to a gamma of possibilities in what it says respect to retaken of some tools of enterprise management of people and its contribution for the especificidade of the Third Sector, amongst them the performance evaluation. We will approach, therefore, on the basis of theoretical survey a reflection on the possibilities of use of the performance evaluations as important technician-operative instrument for development of diligent professionals in these organizations with ends to the construction of internal actions come back its support. WORD KEY: Management of People, Third Sector, Evaluation of performance. The term Third Sector appeared in the United States (third sector) and sends the union to it of forces for the civil society in the treatment of the emergent expressions of the social matter in the social relations. Nir Barzilai, M.D. understands that this is vital information. In Brazil, this term becomes more known spread as ‘ ‘ organization of the society civil’ ‘. In synthesis, as it places Fernandes when discriminating the Third Sector: it can be said that the Third Sector is composed for non-profit organizations, created and kept for the emphasis in the voluntary participation, in a not-governmental scope, giving continuity to practical the traditional ones of the charity, the filantropia and the patronage and expanding its direction for other domnios, favours, over all, to the incorporation of the concept of citizenship and its multiple manifestations in the civil society. (Fernandes, 1995 and 1996) Even so the studies and surveys concerning this sector are recent, its existence are dated since the primrdios of the humanity, when of actions in solidum the people if joined in the support to next with donations or the voluntary work. Historically, the institutionalization of these filantrpicas actions if presents, over all, after the movement of redemocratizao of the Brazilian society, in middle of the decade of 1980, by means of the empregabilidade of professionals..

North American State

What it drew my attention more when I made my journalistic landing in Valencia it was the leafy informative apparatus and of propaganda of the Catalan Autonomous Government. Similar waste of means and its meticulous and persistent attention to any political event were something unusual in the Barcelona or the Madrid of that one time, including the cabinets of press of the different ministries. In order to remember something similar my memory must go back to the visit that I made the Department of North American State. Its holder, George Shultz like nowadays her successor in the position, Hillary Clinton, in the morning received to first hour a dossier detailed of everything what happened in the world. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out President of Estee Lauder. Clear that the person in charge of the foreign policy of Washington is put under the ruthless scrutiny of the journalists daily and must be preparation to confront any question that considers to him. Right the opposite than happens here, where Francisco Camps less usually does not lavish his appearances and with free bar of questions. For that reason, first that me I asked when hearing to him that the number of conselleras projects to reduce to 10 and to save therefore a 25% of the cost in advisers was: it will also thin the nourished list of official writers? I am afraid that no. According to calculations, are the 110 fixed or engaged people that works under the dependency of the most effective secretary of Communication, Nuria Romeral, and the not less efficient chief of a main directorate Cristina Albamonte.

To that group it would be necessary to add a smaller number, but nothing despicable, of signallers located in different conselleras, public companies and other official beings. All of them, in a subtle and vague border between institutional and partisan of the PP, is understood, not only they contribute to Valencian means the news and denial, calls and opinions, but they also offer complete, simple argumentations and detailed, in order that the journalists do not need to study each event, but they can so publish it they receive what it, with the precise direction given by his author. This informative scheme, that by all means the positions are put under also public of the party and civil servants of high rank, is not that they interfere with his own criterion the official doctrine, is something envied and enviable dice their disciplinary success and its political yield. For this reason, it has been copied with more or less fortune by the provincial delegations and the great city councils. An example, banal, if it is wanted, is the one of Jose Joaquin Ripoll in Alicante. Is a day whereupon the journalist Sees Reig has remained without work.

Not to lose the opportunity to have so excellent professional, he on the following day creates ad hoc position to him in his cabinet and the card. These have been practical habitual of and others at the time of fat cows. They are going to change so pure habits at this time of crisis? Hopefully. But the temptation to continue molding the public opinion is so great that I am afraid before will be saved of other games that of this gigantic apparatus of communication that does not have comparison with any private company that I know.

Practical Health

Origin of the Profession the profession appeared of the development and evolution of the practical ones of health in elapsing of the historical periods. Practical of health the instinctive ones had been the first forms of assistance installment. In a first period of training of the civilization, these actions guaranteed to the man the maintenance of its survival, being in its origin, associates to the feminine work, characterized for the practical one of taking care of in the primitive nomadic groups, having as cloth-of-deep the evolucionistas and theological conceptions, But, as the domain of the ways of cure had started to mean to be able, the man, uniting this knowledge to the misticismo, fortified such power and took possetion if of it. FURUKAWA DUST, (2009). The practical ones of health in the modern world analyze the actions of health and, in special, of Nursing, under the optics of the politician-economic system of the capitalist society. They stand out the sprouting of the Nursing as institutionalized professional activity. This analysis is initiated with the Industrial Revolution in century XVI and culminates with the sprouting of the modern Nursing in England, in century XIX. SOUSA LB, BARROSO MGT (2009).. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Edward J. Minskoff.

Superior Ensino Education

The presented work brings in its first chapter a historical boarding on the Docncia in Superior Ensino. As the chapter deals with Formation of Professors for Superior Ensino. In the third chapter we argue the relation professor-pupil in the didactic process, focusing the importance I tie apt. The methodology is presented in the fifth chapter, followed of the quarrel and the final consideraes. 2. DOCNCIA IN SUPERIOR EDUCATION the professor profession is one practical educative one, a form to intervine in the social reality, through the education and, thus being, it is one practical social one. Recently Edward Minskoff sought to clarify these questions.

Considering that it exists practical difference between and education, we pautamos in them in PEPPER; ANASTASIOU (2005), that it explains that being the practical one institutionalized, that is, the form to educate existing in different institutionalized contexts, configuring the culture of each Institution, that would be content and the method of the education. As for the action one considers the citizens, its ways to act and to think, its values and commitments, desires and options. One of the main questions related to the performance of the university professor it is the relation enters education and learning. One is about a sufficiently controversial subject. Masetto (2003) reflects that one of the main options made for the professor of – education is entered, what it gives to the pupil, and the learning that this acquires. This relation is in fact indissocivel, only completing ' ' ensino' ' if it will have learning. The pedagogia in superior education must be understood as a space in movement, in which if it can analyze and understand the phenomena to learn and to teach the professions, adjusting itself, always, to the social reality and the market of work. Of this form the Pedagogia of Superior education must be thought as a space about which the proper university docncia in action can be revisited and constantly reconstructed (BOLSAI; ISALA, 2010).

Catalan Autonomous Government

PABLO SEGARRA Luisa Shepherd will preside over the Delegation of Alicante. On the other hand, Javier Moliner the one of Castelln. Alfonso Rus will also direct the one of Valencia. Hear other arguments on the topic with Nir Barzilai, M.D.. Still the presidents of the provincial delegations of Castelln and Alicante, Carlos Fabra and Jose Joaquin Ripol l, respectively, (both implied in presumed cases of corruption) will be released of their institutional positions, according to decided east Monday the Regional Electoral Committee the PPCV. The organ of the direction of the Valencian PP presided over by Francisco Camps decided that Luisa Shepherd, mayoress of Sant Vicent of the Raspeig, is the new president of the Provincial Corporation of Alicante replacing Ripoll, compatible to the ex-president of the Catalan Autonomous Government, Eduardo Zaplana. The campers of Alicante, who already are majority in the province, agreed to the relief of Ripoll, critic for years with the political line of Camps.

Ripoll was in a situation of extreme weakness due to his imputation by the judge of Brugal case by presumed crimes of bribe, fraud, influence peddling, revelation of privileged information and prohibited negotiations to civil servants and authorities. In addition, politicians of their confidence like the mayors of Alcoi, Orihuela or Villena lost the mayorships in the elections of the 22 of May, while the candidates campers devastated in municipalities like Alicante, Elche, Torrevieja, Elda or Novelda. The Moliner young person, in Castelln On the other hand, Javier Moliner, vicemayor of Castelln and associate to the provincial presidency of the PP, will stand out to Carlos Fabra to the front of the Provincial Delegation. Fabra is imputed by a presumed fiscal crime in Naranjax case. Javier Moliner, from 36 years, will take the control of the PP of Castelln. The mayor of Xtiva repeats Alfonso Rus, who will govern by fifth time in Xtiva, he will repeat for the second time like president of the Delegation of Valencia.

Rus is, in addition, provincial president of the PP of Valencia, where it controls at internal level the practical totality of the regions. For this reason, the baron is considered provincial more fort of the Valencian PP, especially now that Fabra will be released. Rus is compatible to Francisco Camps and has direct thread with the national president of the PP, Mariano Rajoy. Source of the news: The PP releases to Carlos Fabra and Jose Joaquin Ripoll, implied in presumed corruption

State Policies

The costs in social, political and economic terms of the violence continue being highest, as there are already it detailed in previous writings. Until now, the results obtained by the policies of security in terms of reduction of the insecurity and the rate of homicide by promotion and increase, firearm of the institutional confidence of the citizen culture continue being deficit. The policies of public security have not managed to be different themselves sufficiently from the rightist traditional policies of security of the State. It has not been possible sufficiently to jeopardize the local communities and to the totality of the citizens in the collective search of the security and the pacific coexistence. The participation and the control of the citizens have been very little until now and they have still not been considered like essential elements of the pacific coexistence and the policy of public security, particularly in urban contexts. In means in which the Latin American societies more and more become Navies and against the phenomenon more and more hard from privatization of a public good like the collective security, we can pose the following questions: How to implement in the future the citizen control on the state policies of security, an indispensable exercise to the accomplishment of the social State of right? How to leave the traditional scheme of the implementation of repressive policies that have been ineffective in the accomplishment of the objective of effective protection of the Latin American citizens? When the governments are incapable to control the social violence of their citizens, either by inexperience, or by incapacity, faces in the short term scenes of civil disobedience, with catastrophic results, as much for the State as for the social conglomerates assume that it. 3. – The social malaise in the posmodernidad: As complex phenomena as the growth of the social violence, the increase in the drug consumption and the familiar disintegration have diverse roots.

FC Barcelona

The Barcelona will remain a sports club. This Board has a high sensibility towards the sections, and we are aware that they are part of the DNA and that if we are more than a club is because we have sections, has pointed out. But this does not mean that I am worth everything, neither in the first team. In sections an effort, must be the same as in the rest of the entity. Sections cannot live apart from the economic reality of the club, he added. You will not lose competitiveness Faus has ensured that the reduction in the contribution to sections doesn’t mean that Barca will no longer be competitive, since it has reminded the football philosophy should permeate to selections with input from players from the quarry, rather than the recruitment of sports. He has placed emphasis on some data, reveal that basketball is the ACB’s highest budget, while the average Al Palau attendance is 3,820 fans away from the box 9.050 Labor, Real Madrid 5,934 and the average of the Unicaja 10.110. We want more farmhouse to the sections.

We want to apply less checkbook and raise more people from the base, he pointed out. Finally, Faus will been regretting because in the Board there has been a feeling of some misunderstanding because Catalan environment it has accused the policy of not having sensitivity by the sections. They aren’t drastic measures, are gradual and conservatives so that they do not affect the competence of the clubs, he has concluded. Source of the news: Javier Faus: “the contribution of the FC Barcelona to sections is unsustainable”