Ambient Education School

The lack of sensitivity, elements and structure of the human being to explore this position at great length it placed us in this scene. Our commitment is the participation, together with the involved pupils/school and in this relation of tunning and interatividade, searching the permission so that the pupils if express and leave to externar its point of view, its perception front to the questions that are displayed ahead of our looks. The Ambient Education for the Art is only one another form to educate, that it can contribute for the acquisition/condizentes transformation of knowledge, values, attitudes and behaviors to the development, being used pedagogical the artistic expression as practical and as instrument of social intervention, being an educative process that some professionals incorporate in the too much pertaining to school spaces, being gifts in all the educative moments and spaces. 2 – EDUCATION 2,1 – ENVIRONMENT the chance is only singular of being able to weave commentaries on the Education and Environment. The humanity delayed much time to reach this level of communication with rapidity easiness. Without having the pretension to decide the ambient problems and questions through the Education, but considering that this is a basic element to spread knowledge, transforming them into information and I subsidize for formation, thus promoting the interaction of the pupils with the environment, approaching the concern of permear the pertaining to school resume all, allowing that the same ones are inserted in the context of this research, initially we look for to understand as the Education can contribute in this process of relation between the human being and the environment, popularizing the knowledge and information, sensetizing the community (society) to respect the same. The school is a space for production and appreciation of knowing, that it is a universal good, where practical the pedagogical one must provide to the pupils chances to create and to recriar the world, surpassing the understanding of the reality where it lives, developing personal aptitudes, that allow to show that the human being does not survive alone and its attitudes of citizen in the context of its community compromising this survival.