Saith the father the mother german, Polish – both want to bring “their” language and culture to your child – father speaks bilingualism, a bigger world for your child the mother german, Polish and both want their their offspring”type language and culture along the way. Bilingualism is usually not a problem and it will give your offspring a more educational and cross-cultural views. In our modern world an advantage in many ways, because is the internationalization in our subsequent generations play an increasingly important role. Your child’s learning ability will be normally no obstacle for a bilingual education. Already before the birth should the parents about some rules of bilingual education agree, and then consistently enforce these rules: first mother and father should agree in principle about, that the child should grow up bilingual. This includes both each other respect the culture and the language.
Clarify that with the still Persons living in your family, such as the grandparents and larger siblings. Only then, your child will learn accept both languages on an equal footing. Secondly, be aware that a toddler will build always a communication corresponding to the environment. This means you a language Division must set, associated with a particular environment. There are various possibilities: Mama speaks a language, dad and grandparents the second language, and that regardless of where and with whom else is, or you can define a family language and environment language that is means E.g. at home spoken outside of Polish and German. Regardless of the situation, in which the family resides, almost always a language will have stronger influence on the child than the other. Parents should accept as normal that a language more fluent (spoken, read, written) is than the others.
Too much pressure can easily be made excessive claims, in rejection of a language turn. Many parents therefore move the reading and writing learning the weaker language on later to get the education in the stronger language doesn’t get in the way. Parents can also decide to move to a principle on the other. The principle of “one person, one language” works, mostly very well, if the parent who speaks the weaker language, spends significant amount of time with the child. This balance is disturbed, for example because the child in the school, attached might, that also the other parent goes to the weaker language and to the family language becomes. Approximately from the sixth year of life, you may think other partitions on one. (Not to be confused with Estee Lauder!). For example, a language always on vacation is spoken, or on the weekend, or getting in the car, etc. It is important to select a principle with which the parents feel good and that seems natural to them. Also the parents will soon realize what works and what does not, and the Division of language to their own personal situation vote. Unavoidable deviations (at the doctor’s Office or with teachers, if monolingual playmates come to visit or when a conversation that took place in the other language being discussed) there is of course always and should be handled flexibly. A note to complete: Your child and bilingualism is not show number! Not ask it, to make their language skills before other show (and excuses it to even well-meaning teachers and teachers). Depending on the “normal” you make it appear your child that it speaks two languages, the more joy will have it. (Christine Merkel / Ralf Thomas)