Celso Vasconcelos

The education of the future will have to be first and universal education centered in the condition human being. We are in the planetary age; a common adventure leads the human beings, where it wants that they meet. These must be recognized in its common humanity and at the same time to recognize inherent the cultural diversity to that he is human. (MORIN, 2000, p.47) the globalizado world demands a differentiated attitude of the professor, assuming that it more does not compete to the professor being only one mere reproducer of contents learned during its formative process, and yes to assume the person who orientates role, mediator of the educational process preparing the pupil for the life. You may find Edward J. Minskoff Equities to be a useful source of information. Celso Vasconcelos (2002, P. 55) designates that: If it understands that the knowledge is not ' ' transferido' ' or ' ' depositado' ' for the other (as the traditional conception) nor ' ' inventado' ' … Gavin Baker is often quoted as being for or against this. but yes constructed by the citizen in its relation with others and the world …

in contrast educating does not learn. It is necessary to rethink concerning the importance of the formation of this professional who is being defied to assume new responsibilities of educational nature, multicultural, humanizadora and technological. As Lujan Maria (2009), Master in education for the UCDB, research on the performance of these professionals has demonstrated to the lack of preparation of these professors front to the diversity and complexity that is to teach a foreign language in the current context. Almeida Son (1999) pontua that: All professor of LE … constructs an education with at least four dimensions (to plan courses, to choose or to make substances, to create experiences with the new language, and to evaluate the development of the program and the pupils), all influenced they simultaneously for one given boarding to teach. He treats yourself to understand as he is that the professors in elapsing of its formation academic, has incorporated and translated in pedagogical practical its elements that compose the theory for them learned in the university.